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Everything posted by blessingx

  1. I definitely thought that was vaporware.
  2. Is this you?
  3. I should be listening to new music, but instead I'm stuck in a young-people-listening-to-old-songs warm musical swamp.
  4. I’m in the modern Voigtlander camp, but anyone considering the Light Lens Lab 35mm “Summicron” (or 50mm “Elcan”)? As for iOS apps, I’ve settled on the similarly named, but different, ProCamera (can turn down HDRish processing with ProRAW and supports 14 Pro MP) after getting caught in a billing loop with Halide (not allowed to make one time purchase, unwilling to pay for a subscription). Also Snapseed has recently picked up ProRAW editing capabilities.
  5. What is the coolest camera used by a Magnum photographer? It could be one of the early Leicas favored by Henri Cartier-Bresson and many others, or the Contax II rangefinder Robert Capa took to capture the D-Day landings on Omaha Beach. Perhaps it’s one of the large-format cameras still used by Alec Soth or Olivia Arthur; or maybe the bellowed majesty of Martin Parr’s Makina Plaubel 55mm fixed-lens camera, with which he shot The Last Resort. It could be any of those, but it’s not... https://www.magnumphotos.com/events/exhibitions/werner-bischof-in-color/
  6. Ohhhhhhh. That's even better than the Photo Fair coming up (Newark, CA 3/25/23). Or at this point should we all just get one of these? https://petapixel.com/2023/02/27/camera-takes-pictures-by-describing-what-it-sees-to-ai-image-generator/
  7. Plain English with Derek Thompson: The Science of How Music Hits Have Changed in the Last 60 Years Derek welcomes Chris Dalla Riva to discuss the subtle and not-so-subtle ways that music hits have changed since the 1960s Worth a listen.
  8. Let us know if 3 hours at the dealer or 3 hours at Avatar was better.
  9. Anyone shopping today? https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoILbpKMIl5/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  10. 12 hours of Charlemagne: Father of Europe (Prime, AppleTV, Kanopy, Great Courses). Now I need a nap. Here’s another version that will save you 11 hours and 50 minutes.
  11. He died last year, right?
  12. Hope it’s a great one!
  13. Such great stuff!
  14. Maybe https://www.viki.com/tv/35630c-because-this-is-my-first-life-series ?
  15. Worked with Rev. Run on a virtual event this morning. That was a hoot.
  16. What do you mean?
  17. I glanced at the SL2-S shots this morning and honestly a comparison to shots of large format, but not particularly sharp by modern standards, prints, wouldn't be a good test. Nor would white frames on white walls. I'll test on another subject at some point. I doubt the iPhone will compete, but how close will it and under what conditions. Certainly a huge step up from my Xr. Which 85L is/was this? I have the old 85 f/1.2 L FD, which I adapt to other systems.
  18. I believe it’s portrait mode (virtual bokeh), not portrait orientation, that causes reverting to 12MP. I had no issues. You need to stay on main camera, 1x zoom and (I believe) have ProRaw turned on, thus you’re still getting some processing, but some apps like ProCamera give you a “natural” ProRaw setting. Well lit museum and gallery spaces of old printed monochrome images aren’t the best tests, but so far I’m very impressed. Took a few photos with the Leica SL2-S too, but didn’t even look at them as these were great for this use. My biggest gripe, and why it’s probably great for street, is the “normal” lens is close to 35mm equivalent (contrary to many review comments about it being 50mm), so if you’re a 50mm shooter like me you’re always tempted to zoom and any zooming will knock it back to 12MP. I kinda wish they had a “best” lock setting and the phone became a single focal length, not that the 12MP ProRaw images look bad or anything. I still need to experiment more though. I do already wonder what this tech with the 48MP on each sensor and the rumored periscope lens system on the far end will start to mean to mirrorless body sales. 🙈
  19. In the off chance anyone is curious about the above shows, hit both today and experimented a little with the 14 Pro Max, 48MP (then downsized on output), and ProRaw. The Fraenkel show I had to myself.
  20. Damn. Only 73 top 40 hits. Time to float...
  21. Hmmm. How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline https://seymourhersh.substack.com/p/how-america-took-out-the-nord-stream
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