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Everything posted by blessingx

  1. A Johnny Hartman/Nat King Cole iTunes Radio mix (marked Discovery). Perfect for a relaxed Sunday morning.
  2. We Can Stop (The Government)
  3. Not sure if it's still true, but... http://appleinsider.com/articles/10/08/03/apples_itunes_remote_app_was_developed_by_one_person_report Also would be nice to get iTunes Radio added to Remote.
  4. Watch out guys there's a new "easy" Touch ID spoof.
  5. blessingx


    If anyone still listens to headphones - Sennhesier PXC 250-II for $89. http://dealmac.com/Sennheiser-Collapsible-Noise-Canceling-Headphones-for-89-free-shipping/871310.html
  6. What happens if you rotate your body 90 degrees?
  7. blessingx


    Belkin Knit Sleeve for iPad for $4. http://dealmac.com/Belkin-Knit-Sleeve-for-iPad-for-4-free-shipping/869612.html
  8. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/picturegalleries/picturesoftheday/10348853/Pictures-of-the-day-2-October-2013.html
  9. BTW, for those looking to add slowmo to older iPhones, I've been having success with SlowCam (iPhone 5 and 60 fps).
  10. I'll nominate Luciano Vincenzoni who just died. Known as "the script doctor" he wrote and fixed somewhere around 70 films including Leone's For a Few Dollars More & The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Wilder's Avanti!, Germi's Seduced & Abandoned, and even Schwarzenegger's Raw Deal. Seems like he hated a good chunk of his work, hung with William Holden, Kirk Douglas & Tony Curtis (there's a trio), and was generally badass.
  11. Nice. Also Badger's response to the ending.
  12. Has it reopened? I thought it was long gone.
  13. Dare I say I liked the final a bit less than others, but it was certainly emotionally fulfilling. Plenty good enough and if slightly disappointing, that's only because of the high marks of so many episodes and hoping the finale to top them all. In Twitterland people seemed to be attacking The Sopranos... "this is how you create an ending", etc. Didn't achieve that status, but very, very good.
  14. Breaking Bad: Some Very Confident, Totally Sensible Finale Predictions http://m.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2013/09/-em-breaking-bad-em-some-very-confident-totally-sensible-finale-predictions/280087/
  15. How long do I have to wait for their customer service icon to blow up?
  16. Have a wonderful day.
  17. Have a great one and thanks again for your help recently.
  18. If you're looking for Best Man ideas...
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