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Everything posted by blessingx

  1. Hiroshima Mon Amour OST in memory of Resnais. http://vimeo.com/60650766 vidlink
  2. blessingx


    The Austin 100: A SXSW 2014 Mix 100-Track MP3 Album for Free. It's what the kids are listening to... http://dealmac.com/-The-Austin-100-A-SXSW-2014-Mix-100-Track-MP3-Album-for-free/996450.html
  3. How did West Virginia get pulled back in?
  4. Postjack is right. The protection plan only covers one ear. You should pick up two. Four if you have the Quadrophonic Beats phones.
  5. There's an argument we lost the greatest living director today, Alain Resnais, still making films (and winning awards) at 91. Hiroshima Mon Amour, probably more than any film, colors what I think narrative film can achieve. No great obits yet, but I'll post when I see one. Instead a video summary of HMA... http://youtu.be/naFUgAHZusE Here's one: http://thedissolve.com/news/1616-alain-resnais-1922-2014/?utm_content=buffera38a5&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer And another (especially worth a read for fans of Inception): http://moviemorlocks.com/2014/03/03/alain-resnais-gone-home-to-marienbad/
  6. Moondance 180g
  7. Tim Cook tells NCPPR to F off http://www.macobserver.com/tmo/article/tim-cook-soundly-rejects-politics-of-the-ncppr-suggests-group-sell-apples-s The other side http://www.nationalcenter.org/PR-Apple_Tim_Cook_Climate_022814.html
  8. Figure there are enough of these to start their own thread. Anyone brave enough on this one? https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hellobragi/the-dash-wireless-smart-in-ear-headphones
  9. These burger reviews. I'm hungry. http://www.themessageismediumrare.com
  10. I'm trying to understand the logic of the rankings and the 'IMO the best parts of the series were when Walt was nasty, intense and desperate and when he dropped the act of being the bumbling nice guy caught up in the scheme. We got to see a lot of that side of Walt towards the end which made me very happy.' Is it a personal excitement (if you like twists irregardless of point, 24 and Lost would move up, if you prefer dark Walt the BB last season preferable, etc.)? In so many ways I think of The Wire and Breaking Bad as opposites of 24 and Lost. Could you make an argument of why 24 and early Lost were great storytelling? And add Girls to the list!
  11. Have a great one!
  12. Yarmouk refugee camp in southern Syria
  13. Speaking of sweating...
  14. Grand Budapest Hotel OST (streaming) http://pitchfork.com/advance/363-the-grand-budapest-hotel-original-soundtrack/
  15. Ikea Discontinues Expedit, Puts Vinyl Fans Into A Spin http://www.retrothing.com/2014/02/ikea-discontinues-expedit-puts-vinyl-fans-into-a-spin.html ;(
  16. Ikea Discontinues Expedit, Puts Vinyl Fans Into A Spin http://www.retrothing.com/2014/02/ikea-discontinues-expedit-puts-vinyl-fans-into-a-spin.html ;(
  17. The Believer - Interview with Harold Ramis http://www.believermag.com/issues/200603/?read=interview_ramis
  18. Burt and a lot of Dionne.
  19. Seems appropriate... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYCbF0Fat-c
  20. As my LX hasn't gotten much use since the EOS M (discussed earlier in thread) showed up I'd add it to the list, though mirrorless (and APS-C), not really point and shoot and maybe too big depending on desires.
  21. One just opened four blocks away. Fuck.
  22. Nidaros Cathedral Choir | Nidaros | 24/192
  23. Congrats on your son! I had a hard time finding energy and time for real critical music listening one year in so practical concerns (headphone construction when falling asleep on, allowing right amount of baby warning sounds in, etc.) outranked SQ. In my case HD25-1 IIs and KSC35s were used (though soft music in speakers more). Just wanted to remind about the probably obvious practical stuff.
  24. http://youtu.be/mxLYxf1nsCQ
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