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Everything posted by blessingx

  1. I like the production version better. http://www.tuaw.com/2014/03/26/heres-what-apples-first-hacked-together-iphone-looked-like-an/?ncid=rss_truncated
  2. The many lessons of Mr. Rogers cannot be contained in one furry body. It's actually pretty great.
  3. Daniel Tiger.
  4. If you want an expensive shot glass... https://www.massdrop.com/buy/ti-shot-glass?mode=guest_open&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Audiophile-12-14&utm_campaign=Product%20Announcement%202014-03-24%20Aud
  5. Disappointed the follow-up did not inquire about familiarity with Google Search. The part on future downloads is certainly promising. "CC: Numbers such as sample rate and bit depth are only part of the equation. The people behind the recordings are more important. Will there be a Pono certification or guarantee or Mastered for Pono type thing to designate tracks that are of pono quality. NY: No. Pono is Pono. You make what you make. When we say it's Pono that means we are bringing you the closest thing to the master, if it's not the master, if it's not the native resolution it's the closet thing to it that was mastered. Then were asking why the hell didn't they master the native resolution. If you buy what it is they supplied, and there's a higher resolution, and we're after them to master it, and they master it, you get it. You don't have to pay for it. You've already bought the best it can be. The best it can be is what we're gong to give you. You just have to download it again in our store. You'll get notified in our little newspaper, these are the new things that got upgraded..." Also, I like little newspapers.
  6. Cornet3: A DIY Tube Phono Preamp by Jim Hagerman https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1907446723/cornet3-a-diy-tube-phono-preamp
  7. blessingx


    I think you can route through http://dealmac.com/iphone/deals/1012035.html Edit: Or not now that I look closely.
  8. blessingx


    Loving the Opera in HD http://prospect.org/article/loving-opera-hd?Src=longreads
  9. blessingx


    Why Vinyl Is the Only Worthwhile Way to Own Music http://gizmodo.com/why-vinyl-is-the-only-worthwhile-way-to-own-music-1527750499
  10. Ety refurbs (about $20 over new)? http://www.cedarpc.com/cgi-bin/commerce.cgi?preadd=action&key=43773&gclid=CPWvrfWWpb0CFYFhMgodEToA_g
  11. Should I hate Scot Hall for that video or the culture that encourages his behavior? That is the question. Love is not the answer.
  12. Good luck! http://youtu.be/RFDLFEytmFo
  13. Hope it's a great day Al!
  14. Isn't that what GoodReads is for?
  15. Who's grabbing that $1900 perk?
  16. blessingx


    Imagine, for a moment, football commentators who refuse to explain formations and plays. Or a TV cooking show that never mentions the ingredients. Or an expert on cars who refuses to look under the hood of an automobile. These examples may sound implausible, perhaps ridiculous. But something comparable is happening in the field of music journalism... http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/03/18/music-criticism-has-degenerated-into-lifestyle-reporting.html
  17. I made it 1:46. Anyone get further?
  18. Yesteryear: The Best of The Goldel (sic) Age of Radio
  19. Ace Space
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