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Everything posted by blessingx

  1. RIP Malik Bendjelloul. Directed, produced, edited and co-wrote "Searching For Sugar Man." Dead at 36. http://www.indiewire.com/article/oscar-winning-searching-for-sugar-man-director-dead-at-36
  2. And a Geek Wave reboot or something (I'm completely lost at this point)... https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/geek-wave-it-s-not-a-next-gen-ipod-it-s-a-no-compromise-portable-music-player
  3. iStick https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hypershop/isticktm-usb-flash-drive-with-lightning-for-iphone
  4. Senn did followed up the HD800 with the HD700. Cringe.
  5. Actually cheaper on Amazon UK than todays PopMarket deal.
  6. blessingx


    LIVING STEREO TWO COLLECTION $85 http://www.popmarket.com/details/29846608?feature_id=29846558
  7. Someone doesn't think so http://www.lawtonaudio.com/page68.html
  8. Debating myself. Sure would be nice to have a closed pair around. If you miss Massdrop looks like Headroom has for $1299 right now. http://www.headphone.com/headphones/fostex-th-900.php
  9. Or $1299 https://www.massdrop.com/buy/fostex-th900?s=Headphones
  10. blessingx


    For Mothers Day http://youtu.be/7bDLIV96LD4
  11. HBD XXX
  12. Have a great one!
  13. Home hunting (just repeat every weekend for near future). Most places are staged ridiculously, but finally saw a place I loved. Course it was also the first house without a public asking cost ("Attractively Priced!"), but likely twice our upper limit. And I doubt the Mercury Presence, DECCA, Living Stereo, etc. sets came with the place. Still it's good to dream.
  14. "In order to properly suss any headphone amp, you'd ideally have a bunch of 'phones of varying flavors and loads. I don't and I also don't spend any real time listening through headphones since I don't really enjoy the experience." ??
  15. blessingx


    Singing while... http://youtu.be/3h37xswCoY0
  16. If Beats is replacing MOG and Apple buys Beats aren't the number of streaming players exactly the same?
  17. Streaming Black Keys - Turn Blue https://itunes.apple.com/us/station/first-play-black-keys-turn/idra.862705000
  18. Filet in bone. 2009 Stag's Leap Petit Sirah. Now Knob Creek Manhattan. Vegas.
  19. Not sure where this should go so sticking it here. We Pieced Together Steve Jobs’ Long-Lost Stereo System (photo slideshow) http://ow.ly/3k0EGo
  20. Six more hours. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/interactive-dental-photography
  21. Shelly, Mel's car is on its last legs and hunting. Tons of older models she likes, but everything keeps getting larger and taller. Still a bit SUVy, but for current/recent models (and nearly seconding Dusty) we keep drifting back towards the Subaru XV Crosstrek. Neighbor just traded a Lexus sedan (can't remember which) for one and loves it. Rides well, but all depends on comparison. Met with realtor yesterday. Running through listings today and have a call with loan specialist later. So guess we're officially house hunting. Anyone have a recommendation for painkillers? Extra strength Silicon Valley real estate painkillers?
  22. Rdio is moving to 320 AAC - http://www.engadget.com/2014/04/29/rdio-improved-audio-quality/?ncid=rss_truncated Insane video - http://www.cnbc.com/id/101614359 - but you may be already seeing the Pono-effect in play.
  23. ^ Reminds me of my old NUMMI Corolla. Still miss it.
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