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Everything posted by blessingx

  1. Some good Gruber comments on size - http://daringfireball.net/2014/09/the_iphones_6
  2. For those without Dinny-sims, Digital Trends is here to provide useful size comparisons.
  3. Blast off!
  4. blessingx


    V6s for $30. Sale showing expired, but you can still add to cart. http://dealmac.com/Sony-Studio-Monitor-Headphones-for-30-free-shipping-/1150378.html
  5. Dick Hyman Plays Fats Waller. More Direct-To-CD action.
  6. Oh, and they also had bed bugs. I kid.
  7. Just in case... Apple creates tool for removing free U2 album from iTunes library after public reaction
  8. The first was a very soft, pillow top innerspring mattress (toddlers weight) and had no real edge support. As daughter recently got her own room we have to calm her sleep (sometimes several times a night), which means often falling asleep on the edge of the twin bed. Which means without edge support barely being able to walk the next day. This choice was our mistake for not thinking it through. Exchanged for same brand memory foam. Twin seemed great on the showroom floor, but we elected to move to a full (dual use when visitors visit and move us away from edge) and I suspect because of construction, though we may have had a lemon that didn't cure correctly*, now the 25% outside edges are as/nearly as firm as the showrooms (which is a year old and should have more give than our new one), but the middle 50% isn't. Went back to test display and confirmed. Now it's miles better than the first bed, but already feels like it's 5-10 years old and sagging in the middle (though I suspect it won't get much worse in near future being mem foam). Now we could probably live with it, but two weeks in don't want to (especially after Doug's story). Options in same quality/price point, are to go back to twin in memory foam (hopefully would be like showrooms) or firm version of first innerspring, likely in full, to keep away from edges. If next step up was a minor cash outpouring we'd probably do that, but it's unfortunately a doubling (as my options now are locked to dealer). * Sleep like the Dead says "At least 12% of memory foam bed owners say the bed they received has significantly different firmness than the one they tried in a showroom."
  9. Shelly did you end up picking something up? Are having problems with the earlier mentioned daughter's mattress (and unfortunately also its mem foam replacement), so back at shop again this weekend. While there for the heck of it tried some Klufts (and loved their lower line, Aireloom, even more). That was before I saw their price tags (the store only carried the up to $20K mattresses ). http://youtu.be/cz0Eo2aDs_A The Airelooms though are back to semi-Earth-bound McRoskey/Tempur-Pedic prices. They're a hybrid of ten/dozen layers of traditional and contemporary materials and were pretty fantastic. When GF & I are ready to replace our mattress I'm sure a base Aireloom will be in the running. The salesman, a pretty nice guy whose been great dealing with our issues, also confessed his opinion that sex isn't quite the same on memory foam. Or as he put it looking at me "you have to do all the work and the older I get the less I want to do all the work."
  10. blessingx


    Not that interesting yet, but... Beyoncé and Jay Z: Bang Bang, Part One
  11. A fun Atwood short Stone Mattress.
  12. Dick Hyman Plays Duke Ellington. Direct-to-CD Recording baby! Hyman's solo performances, encoded on the Bösendorfer computer reproducing piano, were played back live for our microphones. For the Direct-to-CD (DCD) editions, the digitized signal was transmitted via microwave to the CD glass master as the music was happening. No recording tape of any kind was used, nor was the digital bitstream corrupted at any stage by copying or editing. The very digits generated at the recording session are engraved on the finished DCD.
  13. Haven't, but planning to and everyone I respect says it's wonderful (and a shame it ended so soon).
  14. Cook only directly mentions use of watches music, but it sounds like Apple is expecting people to run, etc. without their phones with them. http://9to5mac.com/2014/09/13/part-one-of-charlie-roses-full-interview-with-tim-cook-now-available-online/
  15. We Break Strings, the Alternative Classical Scene in London https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/909891721/we-break-strings-the-alternative-classical-scene-i
  16. http://youtu.be/Tj-GZJhfBmI
  17. ^ Jealous. Know I'm late to the game on this one, but was at the company "tech stop" on a computer issue today and tried a Note 3 to see how large a 5.5"-ish screen was in the hand. Fuck it's huge.
  18. An A. O. Scott NYTs piece titled The Death of Adulthood in American Culture http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/09/14/magazine/the-death-of-adulthood-in-american-culture.html?referrer=&_r=1 So good. "What happens to the boy rebels when the dream of perpetual childhood fades and the traditional prerogatives of manhood are unavailable? There are two options: They become irrelevant or they turn into Louis C. K." "The dominant voices in pop music now, with the possible exception of rock, which is dad music anyway, belong to women."
  19. A smart ring instead? https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/mota-smartring-connectivity-at-your-fingertips (will be fun to watch their timeline)
  20. Burger King Japan is expanding your cheese options...
  21. http://www.erzetich-audio.com/deimos_prestige_headphone_amplifier http://www.monoandstereo.com/2014/09/erzetich-deimos-prestige-headphone.html?spref=tw&m=1 "We wanted to go beyond and make something that really stands out from the point of electronics, sound, design and prestige. This project has been developed under the name POS."
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