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Everything posted by blessingx

  1. Yes, they have. https://theonion.com/hims-announces-erections-will-soon-feature-ads/ “In an effort to provide better service and keep our industry-leading sex chews affordable, users of our lower-tier medication plans will begin seeing 15-second ads playing on their erections,” said Hims spokesperson Clara Montoya
  2. Saw the new Matthew Gasda play Doomers (jointly playing in NYC & SF). It's a split play, the first half in a conference room right after Sam Altman being fired, the second half, simultaneously happening, in the OpenAI boardroom. Loud raging debates on the benefits and dangers of artificial general intelligence and man’s role in the future in both. Loved it. “A play that captures the absurdity of tech’s existential hand-wringing while the world burns” — The Guardian, Feb. 4, 2025
  3. Yeah, but 42MP is the bare minimum for Insta. Nice shots.
  4. I trust Google and this came up for "voltron birthday".
  5. Fuji’s small, fixed lens, medium format camera is out. https://www.engadget.com/cameras/fujifilms-gfx100rf-is-a-102mp-medium-format-compact-camera-110044609.html https://www.theverge.com/news/633093/fujifilm-gfx100rf-camera-features-price https://www.shopmoment.com/products/fujifilm-gfx100rf-mirrorless-digital-camera
  6. ^ ^ Just completed. Best television of 2025
  7. Yep. Just finished the first episode. Great so far.
  8. blessingx


    Leprechaun 8-Film Collection (Digital Bundle) $9.99 The Leprechaun comes to life in this collection of eight films including LEPRECHAUN, LEPRECHAUN 2, LEPRECHAUN 3, LEPRECHAUN 4 IN SPACE, LEPRECHAUN IN THE HOOD, LEPRECHAUN: BACK 2 THA HOOD, LEPRECHAUN: ORIGINS, and the new release, LEPRECHAUN RETURNS. https://athome.fandango.com/content/browse/details/title/1288372
  9. Nah, no need to order, 'cause I already have. The reviews on this one (not above) have been pretty depressing. That said, of course, it's not for most with no manual shutter, no viewfinder, no flippy screen, and not video focused (as someone who makes a living in video, hybrid video specs discussions are the worst) or an "only body". I'm already in the M/L-mount space so worth a try. With them reportedly only milling 7-9 a day, if interested best to jump now and pull out later. We'll see, especially on that electronic shutter. My experiences have been poor, though with older and larger size/slower readout sensors. I'm curious how many will be released before they kill the model. Sony/Nikon/Canon are probably not under threat. And yes, I almost bought a Leica TL2 at one point too. Sigma is my favorite failed cameras company (still have two Foveons).
  10. I was going to wait longer to post until I read further, but, at least today it's (Kindle and Apple Books versions) $1.99 (of course after I just paid $14.99 three days ago ) and one of the sources for the Martyr Made podcast I recently mentioned. Should any recent government actions make you daydream about resistance (ex. SDS, The Weathermen, The Symbionese Liberation Army, The FALN, The Black Liberation Army, etc.), even if sometimes ineffective, dangerous, or misdirected, give Bryan Burrough's Days of Rage a try. So far so good. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LFZ84PC?_bbid=259687172&tag=bookbubemail1-20 https://books.apple.com/us/book/days-of-rage/id895204913
  11. Related:
  12. RIP George Lowe, voice actor of Space Ghost.
  13. I suggest this standard for all future lens tests.
  14. Take #173 transcode.mp4
  15. For the appendectomy there was no eating after dinner the day before, a few things like milk were allowed up to six hours before and then clear liquids ceased when leaving for hospital (which was about 2.5 hours from surgery). And Rob this whole process was different than I expected, but a co-workers in-law went through the same steps a couple of months prior.
  16. In January? Mostly a diverse diet of nothing to clear liquids, expanding slightly on last couple days (and what we snuck in). The drain was monitored until leakage greatly slowed (~10mg) and then an ultrasound to verify condition before release. Then a week of additional antibiotics at home (and as mentioned above we repeated after some pain). No pizza leaking into gut. Yesterday without appendix and with titanium staple? Water and three lime popsicles before release and the dinner choices we made later.
  17. The common contemporary treatment seems to be if not caught and removed before rupture, eliminate the infection and leaked fluid through drain and antibiotics, then a bit of a race with waiting up to 6-8 weeks for the majority of inflammation to decrease, including rupture point self-healing, then removing laparoscopically, before the slowly climbing rates of possible obstruction reoccurrence. In our case had to go back on antibiotics for a week between. I’ll just say, we’re only twelve hours after the latter step, but it was outpatient, Esmé had solid food last night, sleeping soundly now, and we’re just on alternating regular doses of Motrin and Tylenol. Such a huge difference from the multiple hospitals, days without eating, week long stay, crazy January experience.
  18. Vanished an appendix from the world
  19. Okay, this made waves five years ago, but I've only recently heard. Its not perfect and certainly has it's own bias (which shows increasingly near end), but is amazingly successful on accomplishing a nearly impossible task - sympathetically setting the social context on why people would join the Peoples Temple and follow Jim Jones to Guyana and the Kool-Aid. It might just be the most compassionate series I've ever heard and even in the prologue you sense it's the podcast you didn't know you needed. Heavy diversions into the worldwide Communist struggle, SDS, Weather Underground, Black Panthers, etc. GOD’S SOCIALIST: THE RISE AND FALL OF PEOPLES’ TEMPLE https://www.martyrmade.com/featured-podcasts/gods-socialist-the-rise-and-fall-of-peoples-temple Start: https://www.martyrmade.com/podcast-parts/11-gods-socialist-prologue or https://content.blubrry.com/martyrmade_podcast/Jonestown1.mp3 Apple: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-martyrmade-podcast/id978322714?mt=2 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6bVxCGj6FBEVSmIzdzer3K&ved=2ahUKEwjFwpDK7OmLAxXBCjQIHcf_BP0QFnoECBcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3Onl3v7ol4q1Q3SxXGwQQB
  20. Sorry to hear Todd, but glad there was an opportunity for goodbyes. I know the near future is going to be very tough for you and Andrew so don't hesitate to reach out to us.
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