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screaming oranges

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Everything posted by screaming oranges

  1. This. This made me tear up. And I'm not even a father.
  2. Thanks, everyone! Today has been awesome and the day's not over! Also, I was reminded of the below by someone from the other forum: The rig that started it all for me... ah! Good times! And the good times continue still! Uploaded with ImageShack.com Uploaded with ImageShack.com
  3. Is it the camera angles or have you all lost weight since last I saw you? Dang!
  4. ^ I like that a lot. Even when empty it looks like a decorative piece.
  5. The luck of the person who caught this on camera, oh my! http://imgur.com/a/qmwoI#9
  6. That puppy is too cute for its own good. Too much cuteness. Especially with that hanky around its neck... Cuteness overload.
  7. Hubbies don't kill if you ground them first.
  8. I'm curious as to what this wall-mounted mystery headphone rack looks like...
  9. Sorry to necro such an old thread, but upon clicking that link, I literally snorted my Pepsi! Thank you for making my day and leaving me with syrupy fizz bubbles all up in my nostrils... I'm still wiping my screen.
  10. That is one heck of a cute puppy, Vicky. And the name suits perfectly! Wish you all an awesome get-together!
  11. Edited 1st post. I found a coupon for the site that knocks off $4.50 from price for black one, total of $40.50 shipped standard. I'll get one and let you guys know how it holds larger headphones as I've seen some conflicting Amazon reviews regarding height.
  12. About time I came back to this crazy place

  13. Happy birthday, Dinny!
  14. I guess this will soon turn into a headstand display thread... (secretly hoping it does).
  15. Hi guys, I've seen plenty of pretty headphone stands out there, but could never convince myself to pay over $50 for the ones I really liked. Well, that changed today as I came across these. Very simple, clean, elegant design. As much as I love the wooden ones, most of my gear is black or silver, and given that my furniture has followed that pattern, I wanted something to match. I just thought that I'd let you guys know about these in case anyone, just like me, still lays them down on a towel when taking off the cans. http://usa.just-mobile.com/mac/headstand.html?JmSwitchCountry=US#.UoKm5_mkots I've found the black one for $45 here: http://www.daydeal.com/product.php?productid=81490&gclid=COPG3aOp3boCFUlp7AodQxAAcw Edit: use this coupon code in link above to get 10% off: FOR21 And the silver one for $44 here: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/909415-REG/just_mobile_hs_100_headstand.html I'm still undecided about which color to get, but I keep leaning to the black one. Though I could use two...
  16. btw, on the topic of headphones, having fun reading through this, which I stumbled upon: Tyll Hertsens does an AMA: http://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/19c7eo/i_am_tyll_hertsens_editor_at_innerfidelitycom/
  17. Needless to say, now I am curious to hear a DSHA-1 as well. But as always, I'm late to the party and the good stuff is gone. Heh. I'm just hoping that the "1" implies there is a "2" in the works.
  18. Bappy Hirthday!
  19. I can't believe us Floridians have dodged heavy hurricane seasons for this long a while... The more I look at that Philippines pic the more it sinks in how drastically life can change.
  20. Super Saiyan!
  21. Hi, I've been catching up on my audio hobby again after what has been a rather work-oriented only year and helping family in Nicaragua. I was reading on innerfidlity about Sennheiser HD239. Thought that if anyone is interested in trying those out, you might consider the below deal: NewEgg has the Sennheiser On-Ear Stereo Headphone (HD 239) for $119.95 - $60 with Coupon Code "EMCWXTW67" = $54.95 with free shipping. At that price point, I will get one as a Christmas gift for someone. EDIT: I just tried the code and it worked. Miss being around here, Alex
  22. Confirming my attendance.
  23. I am way overdue for a get together again with the crew. Will have to check if no one at work has taken thursday, friday and following monday to tuesday off. I will let you all know by week's end.
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