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screaming oranges

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Everything posted by screaming oranges

  1. Who knows if we'll ever play together, but I added both Eric and Edwood. It's funny, none of you play support, and that is strictly my class. I'm currently trying to unlock all the weapons/upgrades for this class. I just like spraying bullets... =D I got the same card as well, Runs like a dream. Mine is an XFX brand, and it is pretty darn quiet even when running the game. You have to be within a foot of the case to hear it. As for "it is easier on consoles" comment, this is because, to my understanding, console versions tend to have aim assist.
  2. or Katie Perry!
  3. And on that note, the gear is on its way back home... the epic journey nears its end!
  4. Either hacks or, truthfully, just grinding out the whole leveling up thing. It's easier when you aren't killing but are also successfully taking out an objective. I've gotten MVP three times simply because of a combination of kills and objectives accomplished (neutralizing flags, blowing com terminals, etc). A kill gets you 100 points, an objective can get you more than twice as much (especially neutralizing and taking over a flag in Conquest, as each one gives you 200 points, I believe). Still, I never play to get the most kills or points, but to get my team to win. I play Support class to, well, support! I play about an hour each night, but a lot more on weekends, and I'm at about level 14 going to 15. And I'm not even that good, to be honest. Oh! my username in the game is: screamingoranges
  5. They DID reset it. I can confirm this because I got hooked on it playing the demo. All stats were reset for when the real deal came out. Some people just have more playing time (aka glued to the game). My name is same as here, by the way.
  6. Ive been playing the game and I tell you, if you are just starting out, it is rough as hell to "level up" with everyone already up in higher ranks and better weapons. Im glad I got it early. I exclusively play Support class. Have always loved it.
  7. Didn't want to make a whole new thread for this, but on the subject of Grado, I think it is a good time to be selling the older ones (have seen three pairs range between $1700 to THIS the last two weeks): $2550! WTF?!?! NOTE: pics were resized by imageshack, so you cant read the description, but these were an immaculate pair being sold by first owner who bought them in 1993. http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260878285854#ht_500wt_1413
  8. The comments seem to be pretty bad regarding shipments from those people (timewise).... I don't want to take a chance. Tom "Waits" indeed, apparently!
  9. It's not an issue of whether it is worthy or not, but simply if it is electrostatic. I would even send grandma over to get measured if she was electrostatic. Alas, she is in Nicaragua... oh, and she's also not electrostatic.
  10. I'm not a dad, but was still moved by the video. I imagine this must touch those who are parents on a whole other level I cannot fathom. http://digg.com/news/lifestyle/8_month_old_hears_mom_s_voice_for_the_first_time
  11. happy birthday!
  12. Yay! Happy b-day
  13. Link: http://www.shortlist.com/entertainment/music/scientists-discover-most-relaxing-tune-ever My thoughts: sounds like a heartbeat, which may trigger some subconscious prenatal "warm-in-the-womb" feeling... I didn't think it all that special, honestly.
  14. Yay Vicky! Happy b-day!
  15. I feel like an inconsiderate jerk for not wishing my condolences to Wayne when I posted about my brother. Just came in and typed and totally disregarded the context of the thread at the moment. Both my apologies and condolences to you, Wayne. Also, wishing good vibes over in Larry's direction!
  16. I remember I was stupefied the first time I played the first Call of Duty game (graphics obviously now sub-par by today's standards). Nonetheless, the sounds in that game are crazy good. I haven't played it in years, but still have the CD's. It was the first game that made me think "dang, this is too real!" For context, it provoked in me the same impression that watching the beginning of Saving Private Ryan did the first time I saw it at theaters. But this is all from memory, though. I'd have to reinstall it to see if it sounds as awesome. NOTE: and I speak of playing the game in story mode, not online gaming. Everything is choreographed in game story mode (soundwise).
  17. I enjoyed playing the Beta as well. My fave class is Support class (didn't play as any other at all as I became comfy with Support class from my BF2 days). This game has brought me back to online gaming. I ditched online about 5 years ago due to working, etc etc. My brother pre-ordered a copy for himself and me (the one that includes the classic maps and weapons). It's all coming back to me now! I have a pretty good pc to run the game: i2500K 4GB ram XFX Radeon HD6950 2GB Running an HDD disk that uses a small Solid-state for caching (Intel calls it Rapid Storage Tech or something) Pretty silent too. I'm happy. =) I'll also probably pre-order the next Batman game (but that's another topic!)
  18. Picked up my brother from a car accident. He's ok. Nothing happened at all to him, not a scratch. Car? Busted up. Lesson: DON'T TEXT AND DRIVE.
  19. My younger bro bought pre-orders for Battlefield 3 for himself and I.
  20. Are there any handling precautions or, better still, actual physical precautionary mods that can be done to a pair that is in good working order to lessen the risk?
  21. late to the party, but happy b-day nonetheless!
  22. This... this is unstoppable!
  23. What's this about very long and very disturbing conversations in cars at night?
  24. Tyll, as long as cans keep coming, I don't mind it one bit. I really won't have time to do much listening until the 1st week of November, which is when I will be done with a personal project I am devoting most of my free time to (and I HAVE to do... it's kinda now or never for this). So, yea, 1st week of November is fine for me. Of course, if the stat measurements experiment ends sooner, I'll take the gear back. But as I said, a month more won't affect me the least bit. Kinda have some other things to worry about... ...and I just like the fact all my gear is getting measured... hehe. So, if you can get some cans to measure between Oct 21st and the first days of November, it's ok with me. If not, well, send the babies back. I don't contribute much knowledge-wise (and can't), and this is the only way I know of how to give something back to not only the community, but the hobby itself. Music makes my life happy. I cannot tell you the times that something happens, and my memory, like a jukebox, brings a song to mind. As family members, friends, and a cute girlfriend here and there have stated, I have a crazy hobby/obsession here... but it's a damn healthy one. If the stats measurement experiment is to continue, let's keep as many variables constant to make sure comparisons are as controlled as can be.
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