There is a local guy who has a Fiber laser that marks surgical instruments and said he would do it, I just thought it would look better with CNC milling. I had a guy who sold his time on Ebay and he said there's about 3 hours setup/programming involved. Not sure I have him nailed down or not, so was hoping one of you Gurus had a little CNC setup.
I suggested to the Malay guy he should offer this on his blocks.
Nobody here misses a trick!
It would probably be worth a shot asking an Engraver how deep they can engrave, but I thought the milling would look better.
The Internet guy said he would set it up and cut a practice piece. You're right, it won't be cheap.
Not really following you here.
It's a modification/improvement/bling thing.
P.S. -- Thanx for the ideas and input guys!