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High Rollers
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Everything posted by raffy

  1. Not sure if I'm missing anything but hasn't this long been the case? I thought you've always had the ability to surf and talk at the same time on an iPhone?
  2. Paid for my Del Fatti Leather order after almost 3 years on the wait list. Got an ISP-LP (IWB) for my Kahr PM9 in black horse with shark loops. Can't wait to finally get my hands on this.
  3. Happy Birthday Mike!
  4. Sounds good Matt, count me as probable for this event!
  5. Happy Birthday Grahame!
  6. Sugar-free Red Bull
  7. Happy Birthday John!
  8. Sorry to hear about the hearing results Mike; it's the 4 points that hurt the most IMO. I object to returning the radar detector though....mine has saved me countless times and I don't even drive more than 10-15 over very often. I think of it as like a condom.....no one likes using one but it's worth it's weight in gold if it saves you.
  9. Nice Mike! Are the XM Bushmasters the lightweight ones made out of polymer or am I thinking of something else?
  10. Happy Birthday Jacob!
  11. Happy Birthday Zippy!
  12. Happy Birthday Ken!
  13. Happy Birthday!
  14. Sorry to hear about your ticket and door Mike. Hope you get both resolved soon. @Carl, one Blue shirt in Large please. Thanks!
  15. Steve: My condolences on your loss. Jacob: Sorry about the leg but I'm glad surgery went well. Hope you have a speedy recovery.
  16. Still beat from the whole weekend of craziness and feeling a little under the weather but it was great seeing everyone. Wish I was feeling a little better this past weekend but weeks of working like a slave, working out and indulging myself and staying up late almost daily over the past few weeks have really caught up to me and it just so happened to be the weekend of Geneapalozza. You know I'm totally beat when I say no to Mons Venus! Next time, I'll make sure to slack off at work a few weeks ahead of a meet to conserve energy Anyway, much thanks to Gene the Meetmeister, I know making these things happen is hard work. The whole weekend was a blast, looking forward to February.
  17. Having a tiny Either before hitting the road: A few bottles for home too:
  18. Leaving in a few mins....I'll be there in around 2 hrs.
  19. raffy

    slow forum

    I may just be straight up stupid but I did not understand a single thing in that description. There must be a dozen words there that I have no fucking clue what they mean.
  20. Happy Birthday!
  21. Yep it has the Gray guns short reset package. The stock trigger wasn't bad at all but Gray did a great job cleaning up the action, shortening the reset and lightening the SA pull to around 4 lbs. The HK I have is a P30 which has superior ergonomics compared to the P229 especially for lefties like me but the trigger is nowhere close to Mike's Sig. I'm not a big Glock fan either though they seem to be super-reliable guns. The grip angle is kinda funky and again, they are a little thick for my tiny hands.
  22. raffy

    X-box or PS3?

    Al, the only reason I can think of is that the new PS3 Slim units are not backward-compatible with PS2 games so you need a PS2 if you want to play PS2 games. PS2 games are generally much cheaper too so that might factor in as well.
  23. You mean my Sig right? I miss that gun, that thing has a fucking sweet trigger. Too bad it is a little too big for my hands....I'd kill for my HK to have the same trigger as your Sig.
  24. raffy

    X-box or PS3?

    This......but make sure you buy an extended warranty or save a dollar a day for future replacement units. Hopefully the new ones are more reliable but I've had the worst luck with the old style units. 4 units in 5 years is pretty shitty reliability and from what I've heard I'm one of the many with the same experience. I've only heard of 2 people who've only had 1 Xbox 360 since they bought one - Jacob and someone else here, just don't remember who it is. But aside from being as reliable as a crack addict, I really do like the gaming experience the 360 provides. Even with my small hands, I greatly prefer the 360 controller as it feels much more natural than the PS3. And of course, all my friends who play online have the 360 so I'm really left with no choice.
  25. I'm up for Skippers Friday night Matt. How many people have responded to going there so far?
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