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High Rollers
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Everything posted by raffy

  1. Happy Birthday!!!
  2. Happy Birthday Shelly!
  3. Got 47.5 miles in today in perfect (to me) weather. For some reason I like riding in at least 80 degree weather, I feel like I can get my legs warmer quicker and suffering in the heat gives me delusions of being a badass
  4. Condolences Mikey. RIP Glenn
  5. Cool, Ben Some of the stages look ok, I actually like the ones that have sloping power curves and lots of changes of pace. The ones that have long constant power lines, not so much
  6. Anyone here doing the 08 Days in California challenge in Trainer Road? http://www.trainerroad.com/8dc-2014
  7. Happy Birthday Ryan!
  8. Happy Birthday Fitz!!!
  9. What Gene said, Steve.
  10. Good deal, Nate. Just curious, any reason why you're looking into other saddles?
  11. That's how I do it too. Today was Sufferfest ISLAGIATT.
  12. Today's indoor ride
  13. Happy Birthday Jeffy!!!
  14. Colin, I have a 143mm Specialized Toupe I can lend to you as I haven't used it in 1.5 years.
  15. Happy Birthday!
  16. Woooowwwww!!!!!
  17. Happy Birthday Tyler!
  18. Nice pics Ari but the Red Hook Crit looks to be all hipstered out
  19. Looks good, CJ!
  20. Congrats Shelly!
  21. Happy Birthday!!!
  22. Got 43 miles in today right before the rain started. It was real blustery out so I suffered more than I wanted to but it is what it is.
  23. Nice Ben! 6000+ feet of climbing, that's awesome!
  24. Happy Birthday Gary!
  25. Happy Birthday Al! Hope you have a great day and enjoy a few good beers at some point today!
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