I don't know exactly where you are at Carl, but we got smacked by Wilma in Deerfield Beach, being that the eye wall came right over us back then. I shit you not, this storm(Irma)was every bit as powerful and we were about 100 miles from the eye. We had multiple streets blocked, and not by shallow rooted Ficus trees; which came down like mad during Wilma, but big, sturdy, deep rooted Florida Oaks. This storm was bad ass here in my complex, and I'm pretty sure a tornado hit down in my community from what I'm seeing and hearing, as we had at least 6 tornado warnings that day. We lost power for 10 days after Wilma, and we only lost power for 2 1/2 days this time around, so I say hats off to FPL for a job well done. I know there are a hundred horror stories for every one of mine, but I can only give you my perspective having gone through both of these formidable storms. I can't imagine what they are going through on the west coast and farther south, my prayers go out to all of them.