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Everything posted by Nebby

  1. Nebby

    Elise Claire

    W00t! Grats Naaman
  2. You can always slather glue on the interior joints to make sure it's airtight
  3. Bondo'ing back to a perfect square is a difficult proposition but you're welcome to try I guess. I'm personally a fan of removable baffles though you can still have decent access to the inside of a glued front baffle box via driver and port holes (assuming you use screw mounted or friction mounted ports).
  4. Doesn't seem to be. I need to listen to the dt48's myself, the cult following is just ridiculous.
  5. I've never heard of either of those products and after looking them up I'm not inclined to be interested in either of them. I also think that reading the welcome PM would be a good idea for you.
  6. If I have an Android phone for personal use along with a BlackBerry for work, does that stat become additive?
  7. I'm left eye dominant except when it comes to the tests. Odd, but true.
  8. Exactly the same experience here. When I went to qualify before my deployment, I couldn't aim at all with my right eye and had to shoot with my left. Everyone was giving me a hard time though, as I got to shoot twice as much as they did since I failed the first time around.
  9. I'm tempted to pick up a Borbeley kit before they close as I've always wanted to build one. Any opinions on his headphone amp? Inu: Wonderful build and great job not getting yourself zapped in the process
  10. Ah ok, when you mentioned balls to the wall I thought there was another version that I had missed
  11. What is this full version you speak of? o.O
  12. Nebby


    Picked one up as well for my cellphone. I have a terrible habit of leaving the screen on a battery draining app.
  13. Not our fault you signed up for this site
  14. Nebby

    Audeze LCD-2

    It was well played, IMO.
  15. Nebby

    Audeze LCD-2

    If he's looking for MOAR POWAR then I wonder if he's got his gear hooked up to a 20A circuit? Wait, nevermind. He'll never need MOAR POWER if all he's doing is charging his SLA batteries. If I am reading it right he's got: 2 x SLA batteries -> 2 Farad cap -> "industrial grade, slow switching power inverter that generates pure sinewaves" -> audio gear extra points awarded for a "car audio" cap with fricken led's on it.
  16. Nebby

    Audeze LCD-2

    But I can't trust you. You've already stated that your opinions are simply opinions and they may or may not have truth to them.
  17. I didn't realize that there was actually a whitelist type function in vB. Only found it after browsing thru the settings. Very cool!
  18. Wow, that's dedication! Finding you on another board just to PM you!
  19. Don't you get a few PM's every now and then asking for your recommendation for a headphone choice? I'm deducing that purely from your sig on the other site
  20. Nebby

    Audeze LCD-2

    Oh snap! Color me jealous.
  21. Nebby

    Audeze LCD-2

    So if the $1300 LCD-2 has a wait time of 2 months, what's the wait time for the $1,300,000 LCD-5?
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