It looks like the USB plug on the back of the SB Touch can be used as a USB audio out, though it may require some configuration file changes to enable it. Unfortunately, it'll only work for USB DAC's that use generic USB drivers so DAC's with custom drivers are out. Anyone else play around with the USB audio out?
It's what I've always suspected, but thanks for making it clear There are a lot of those folks that are religiously enthusiastic about the Asus STX sound card.
From what I understand, the amount of power output by an amp is only a small part of the amp's quality, right? But the AKG's have a max input power rating of 200mW so by definition wouldn't be 810mW be more than enough strictly in terms of wattage?
Friend of mine is about to test for san-dan. I dunno if I want to start but I do like the friendly atmosphere amongst the tournament folks. Friend told me it's very typical of kendo folks to be competitive but friendly.