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Everything posted by Nebby

  1. I was speaking about it as a portable amp, so I can definitely see it losing to the Luxman or the Gilmore Reference. If you didn't find it acceptable as a portable system with the HD800, what portable did you end up going with?
  2. To my ears they work great with the Pico Power; if it had an AC adapter I could totally see using it as a primary amp for the HD800 when space is a consideration.
  3. I've got a lot of work to do so that I don't get dropped at the HC Cycling Meet
  4. Nebby


    I know it doesn't mean much, but the bundle I listed also included Borderlands 1
  5. It's good to see you left some room to grow
  6. Very nice Kevin! I particularly like the burl.
  7. I think the L2 checks all the boxes in that list, so yes
  8. Nebby

    The Abyss

    The raw size of head-fi is proof that the market has grown by leaps and bounds.
  9. Crucial has the M500 960gb SSD, but that's about as close as you can get without paying ridiculous amounts of money (~$5000) for a 2TB SSD.
  10. Nebby

    The Abyss

    The page says it was sent as an evaluation unit, but going from other pictures I'm fairly certain it's a production unit. What's amazing is that most user reviews I've seen take it as a good thing, since it's "point-to-point wiring". Honestly, I'm somewhat amazed that the transformer didn't go bouncing around the case during shipping. That doesn't look like a secure mount for a transformer of that (or any) size.
  11. The fast aperture prime is a very good idea that I didn't even consider and I'll probably go that route; thanks for the suggestion! I'm planning on staying light so the shoulder weight of the bag shouldn't be much of an issue.
  12. Nebby

    The Abyss

    Image sourced from here
  13. Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Postjack!
  14. In a week or two I'll going to be going on a trip out to Colorado and I figure it's a good time to pick up a camera bag and rent a lens or two (with an eye towards buying one if it works well). I plan on eventually moving to a full frame camera when this one dies, so that's also a factor to consider. For my current lens, I have the 10-22, 24-135, 100 f2.8 and my camera is a 1.6 crop factor Digital Rebel. While I'm out there I'll be hiking, biking, hot air ballooning, etc..so I was thinking of picking up a walk-around lens like the 16-35 f2.8L and possibly another lens. What do you folks think? For the bag it seems from previous posts in this thread the Think Tank UD 35 or 40 seem fairly highly recommended so I'll probably go with one of those, unless there are others to consider? Thanks in advance for the help
  15. Nebby

    The Abyss

    Yeah, it makes the occasional "Ray is a poor small business owner with slim margins!" comment rather funny, does it not?
  16. Nebby

    Top Gear

    Episode 1 of season 20 was broadcast today
  17. Nebby

    The Abyss

    I'm all for impartial and precise measurements, but what sort of measurements are we talking about here? All I could find on this page was this: which seems to me to lack a fair amount of detail.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=rPOKm20wP4s Associated article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/26/tammy-duckworth-strong-castle_n_3504531.html Knowing a few friends that are still waiting on their VA claims, this video was quite satisfying to watch a couple times.
  19. Happy Birthday!
  20. Nebby


    Free year of Techshop membership to veterans: http://www.techshop.ws/veterans.html
  21. Nebby


    Boarderlands bundle for $22: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00D8FUHFC/ref=cm_sw_su_dp
  22. Happy Birthday Justin! I hope you have a day of relative respite from nagging customers
  23. So, are you saying you want him to do one of those 200 IEM head-fi review threads? What a fantastic idea!
  24. From what I can tell most ceramic lubes use hexagonal boron nitride, which has the same molecular structure as graphite and as far as I can tell is a good lubricant. Not sure how it compares, but I don't see why it wouldn't work well. I have to say though, the marketing for ceramic lubricants definitely aims for the ceramic.. must be good idea
  25. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
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