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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Nebby

  1. Dcrainmaker wrote a how-to for that site and it's what I've used for all my mapping, it's a fantastic service.
  2. Nebby


    Yeah, that's what I figured as well, that they're just another classic troll.
  3. Thinking of picking up a Titanico NSX for the MTB. Hmmm...
  4. Nebby


    He started out ok in the first 2-3 posts, but quickly went south after that. How does one go from "I'm afraid to ask a question. Or state an opinion. Or look at anyone in the eyes." to saying people have "bunchy panties"?
  5. From Tyll's review measurement page: Skullguise, where did you pick up your pair? Interested in switching up my workplace Ety's for a full-size can and these look like a good candidate.
  6. Spectator/overhead view of the run: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0Mr9Z1fhtE
  7. Good to hear the recovery is going well for you Justin!
  8. Happy belated birthday to both! Glad yours went well, Mikey! Hope you feel better Chris (and eventually find time to go for a ride in the future...)
  9. I've read about that happening and I always wonder if it's the cable or just a less-than-ideal power supply in the device.
  10. 2 posts and already asking people to buy via referral link? heh. Honestly, the fact that they're including an audiophile usb cable makes me want it less I've forgotten how ridiculous audiophile marketing can be It says exceeding all future standards, but it's not usb 3.0 superspeed plug compatible
  11. good luck with the surgery!
  12. Nebby


    Yeah, it's unfortunate
  13. Nebby


    Amazon is doing a 15% off their kindles today only...Enter code ThnksFAA at checkout.
  14. Double ouch, Justin
  15. Totally with you Jeff, hope it's not a collarbone!
  16. I did two loops at Patapsco today with the beginners group, it was quite a lot of fun with a bunch of new experiences. Roots...lots and lots of roots and logs to jump over, though what was really hard for me were the roots on the steep climbs, those were particularly rough. Creek crossings were interesting as well, soaked shoes are fun to pedal in
  17. Yup, dropper seatpost is where it's at.
  18. You first?
  19. Shook hands with an astronaut today, that was pretty cool.
  20. Unfortunately, Verizon screwed up their support of the Nexus when they did have it, that Google is highly unlikely to ever bring it back to Verizon.
  21. Reputation systems also come with their own set of issues, just implementing one doesn't easily fix the issue.
  22. I like my Nexus 10 for comics and also found the Nexus 7 to be too small to comfortably read comics with.
  23. Mac App Store, from the articles that I've read.
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