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Everything posted by nikongod

  1. Happy Birthday Tom!
  2. On this fine evening I drink a Rogue XS McRogue Scotch ale that was a gift from ASR Steve. http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/132/1578 I drink this fine beer to commemorate it being in the way of my turntable and me wanting to play a record.
  3. Happy Birthday Dave!
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. Happy Birthday Gene!
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. In!
  8. Happy Birthday Alex!
  9. Happy Birthday Marc!
  10. One for Smeggy
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. Happy birthday Al!
  13. Sorry for the long delay. here is the MPX3 PSU, taken from my toaster-style MPX3. Its pretty much the same on the PCB. I prefer the MPX3 power supply to the supra PSU for safety and awesomeness. an extra RC cell is worth a lot in my book.
  14. Nothing good can come of this. Make sure the guys who filmed Jackass see it.
  15. Im going for a few hours. Saturday, 9-12.
  16. Happy Birthday Guys!
  17. Happy Bitrhday Amos!
  18. Happy Birhtday Jim!
  19. Jim, yes I still have the RS-60.
  20. happy Birthday Slacker
  21. Welcome back Jim HD800 second hand - a bit less than $1000 OTL tube amp, if yer feeling up to it. Spend a few more bills on the DAC, and the rest on Booze and bullets.
  22. Happy Birthday!
  23. Slight backstory: I'm getting back into shooting 35mm film. I think. Today I bought a used 35mm film-scanner off of craigslist to scan a bunch of old negatives (I have about 1500 B&W negatives I shot when I was 17-22, and a whole bunch of color negatives from before that) and to scan new 35mm film that I shoot. Its DOA. I'm bummed.
  24. Happy Birthday Deepak!
  25. your just bummed he wont sell you his hand-painted star trek portraits.
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