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Everything posted by nikongod

  1. Do you **NEED** 10w? There are lots of DIY SET & PP amps that should work really well with single driver speakers, although mostly at lower power. If you don't need all 10w, Check out Pete Millett's page for the Mighty midget for an example. Only ~3w, but it looks like it should be nice & easy to build. I almost like the ~$500 Chinese speaker amps. They can sound pretty nice. My biggest complaint is that its difficult to know whether you are getting the version with all the nice parts, or one with a crappy power supply, or exactly what really. I'm also not really a fan of how absurdly tight the chassis are packed and consequently how hot they get.
  2. Happy Birthday Jeff!
  3. I like you too. Next time I see you I'l be sure to yell it as loud as I can. Just to clarify, I dont normally do that for people.
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. Thats signature material right there.
  6. I think its the cellular structure of a grape with some blur/streaks from moving the camera. Like the little bits that make up a section of an orange. And I am now envious of something Cannon SLR related.
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. Happy Birthday Dom!
  9. I wasn't really happy with my Zoo shots This one was my favorite. A cold day in NYC by Lord Nikon 12, on Flickr The rangefinder club is pretty fun. Its been a while since we all went out taking pics together though.
  10. I have shot the 58F1.2 and will pronounce it jizz-in-pants worthy, although simultaneously a big pain in the ass. CAUTION!!! Link to head-fi. http://www.head-fi.o...10#post_7781720 open pics in new window for original "Jpg Large" files from D200. In the last photo of the guy, you MUST view at full size. His beard and one eye are in focus, ears are gone! Woot! I took another photo of the window in the bar... at about 30ft the window frames are in sharp focus but the store across the way is way out of focus. For a great combination of availability and a good balance of size and weight, 50F1.4 is a favorite. As another cool Nikon lens check out one or another of the "DC" lenses. They sound very intriguing to me, but only for portraiture really.
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. You * have* to extend 3 of 4 feet (or 2 of 3), the key is that one foot is screwed all the way down at all times.
  13. Awesome shooting. Its nearly impossible to do with available light, most people use flash to stop insect/hummingbird wings.
  14. Did you tell him he should tell the judge he will do 2 mister nicers to make up for it?
  15. Happy Birthday!
  16. Happy Birthday!
  17. Happy Birthday!
  18. Happy Birthday Ric!
  19. Happy Birthday Ken!
  20. I have to agree with everyone else who says that we as a group sound petty and imatture ripping this gear apart in every way imaginable. Really guys, I dont see what the big deal is. The few people who can buy one deaf will either be blissfully unaware, or hear something better and move on. It keeps the hobby rolling along even if the new stuff is only "OK". Maybe owning one will be the catalyst for someone to actually appreciate something better VS just being told that its better. What was the squawkey crap playing in the background? I need to add it to my list of CD's not to buy.
  21. Sorry to hear mike, my condolences.
  22. I opened Ric's gift to me because its Chanukah. He sent me a collection of restored X minus one radio broadcasts from the 1950's They are totally awesome!
  23. Happy Birthday!
  24. Happy Birthday!
  25. Happy Birthday Donald!
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