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Everything posted by nikongod

  1. Happy Birthday Todd!
  2. High output impedance FTMFW. If 5.3Kohms is right for STAX, why cant 120 ohms be right for Sennheiser?
  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. Whats wrong with APS-c in this sort of camera? 15 years ago we had full frame cameras that size and nobody complained.
  5. seen on flickr homepage. I am supremely disappointed to learn that you don't own a lighsaber.
  6. Sorry I didnt think of it before: Walmart. http://www.petapixel.com/2012/04/11/get-120-film-developed-on-the-cheap-at-walmart/
  7. Happy Birthday Mike!
  8. Happy Birthday!
  9. Happy Birthday CJ!
  10. Fill flash for the win! Butterfly by Lord Nikon 12, on Flickr
  11. I personally lean towards Matrix metering. Its much better at guessing what you want. After that, dial in some exposure compensation to get the people where you want them. Nobody agrees with me, but loosing the sky to blank whiteness isnt that big of a sin. Certainly not as bad as underexposed people in people pictures.
  12. I have been looking for a Konica Wai-Wai ultrawide angle disposeable camera for a few months. It has an 18mm, full frame, plastic lens. But 18mm!!! I want to take the lens out and put it in my Leica. I Just got an email from someone who found a stash of them in their freezer... So excited. http://moominsean.bl...wai.html http://www.toycamera...konica-wai-wai/ http://www.lomograph...sposable-camera I bought 2. One to keep stock, one to hack up. +1 Bright sunlight is surprisingly hard. What do you mean "exposure was all over the place"? The biggest advantage I see with FF sensors today is with ultrawideangle lenses. If your not interested in stuff wider than ~24mm (about 16mm on crop) I don't think it matters that much. APS-c sensors still get plenty of Bokeh when you shoot that way.
  13. Happy Birthday Justin!
  14. Happy Birthday Scott!
  15. awesome read: http://theonlinephotographer.typepad.com/the_online_photographer/2012/06/in-defense-of-depth.html
  16. Happy birthday David 909
  17. @dinny: flash, lots and lots of flash. With a little more flash, in case you dont have enough. Water Droplet by Lord Nikon 12, on Flickr ^^ One image.
  18. Happy Birthday Ben!
  19. Since we were talking about cool VW's the other week, I see a bug with semaphore turn signals. Easily one of the most badass things ever invented. Check it out here:
  20. Happy Birthday Brent!
  21. Happy Birthday Jin!
  22. Personally, Id go for the moar better high ISO. soooooooo nice. Although I have never shot either, I would imagine that the D7000 is a little more user-friendly.
  23. Happy Birthday Chris!
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