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Everything posted by nikongod

  1. I still shoot my push-pull 80-200F2.8D ED-IF
  2. The F2.8 version will also be nice if (when) little monkey starts doing school plays and shit. Now someone needs to answer my flash query. Edited: Sunpak 411 may be the ticket. Need to check whether it will blow up my GRD IV though.
  3. I'm pretty sure the difference between the 2 70-200 lenses comes down to: Landscape (F4) VS sports (F2. Does anyone know of the following: Small flash - Ideally the size of a pack of cigarettes, perhaps slightly larger Bounce head - mildly optional "Thyristor" based automatic mode (no TTL) Safe for digital (6-12V) CHEAP ($25-50, will scour ebay if you have a specific old favorite) What I'm looking for is quite common without the bounce head, but why should life be easy? Put another way, I want a Nikon SB-400 that will work in idiot-mode on my Ricoh or Leica cameras. I am trying to get away from where I am now, with 3 camera systems and no compatibility of flashes... It would be nice if it fit in my new smaller camera bag too.
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. I have not looked at the Sigma, but the only reason I would do it is if you prefer the *character* of the out of focus parts of the image (what bokeh actually means.) If you just want a lens that is a little faster don't worry. I took some photos at a NYC Criterium bike race over the weekend.
  6. Coventry is too good for you.
  7. Happy Birthday Fitz!
  8. Its just like riding a bike.
  9. Happy Birthday Bonnie!
  10. SRPP=Shitty & really pathetic performance? Teh best way to build SRPP is for a very specific load (where it works great) but how would anyone know what that load is from a schematic? SRPP should reallllllllly be designed by the user for the user. If you want SEPP or (white cathode follower) which works much more good over a much more large range of loads look for schematics of the Singlepower PPx3/MPx3/Supra. The 3 amps are basically the same, save for the power supplies. The AMP circuit is basically this: http://headwize.com/?page_id=457 with 6sn7 used instead of 6n1p. I would advocate changing R4 to be equal to your highest impedance headphones (300-600ohms, 2Kohm may be too high) because I disagree with the common method for optimizing the circuit* but any way you build it is fun and this resistor is easy to change later on. *The common way of optimization focuses purely on maximum voltage swing. Since maximum voltage swing is meaningless to most realistic uses of these amps we can safely trade some for lower output impedance, paradoxically by increasing the value of this resistor.
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. What about the GRACE M902 or M903?
  13. Congrats! Glad to hear you found something that is working well. (and I will be looking into it for me)
  14. Mostly about Canon lenses.I dont know if the lens will work on a NEX.
  15. Happy Birthday Naaman!
  16. Chris: Have you taken a blower to the focus screen? Its worth a shot. 135dc?
  17. I just want the 40F2.8pancake for $150ish.
  18. Not entirely safe for work http://youtu.be/bcB68AtrmZM
  19. Happy Birthday Dan!
  20. Happy Birthday Colin!
  21. Happy Birthday Edwood!
  22. Happy Birthday
  23. That orange tube amp is worth way more than the bicycle. Maybe not.
  24. Happy Birthday Stephen!
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