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Everything posted by rds

  1. It looks like it might be too late, but I want to mention that Eagle is not really a professional layout tool. It is popular with hobbyists because the free version has good functionality, but if you're going to invest in a layout tool Eagle is probably not a great choice. ...on the other hand those hd 800... Oh and Smeggy, those headphones look amazing!
  2. Thanks guys I want to throw in my vote for hd800s. The full Eagle would be cool, but after designing so many great amps I think it's time for Alex to kick back and plug in what are supposedly among the best phones money can buy.
  3. You're just saying that cause you hate jesus
  4. I'm a little late to the party, but I'd also like to pitch in towards something(s) nice for Alex. dBel84 - could you send me a pm with your paypal email? I see quite a few familiar names here, though apparently I should not assume any warm feelings toward me... I usually don't anyways Great project guys. Alex totally deserves this.
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