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Everything posted by IceClass

  1. *Sigh* No, not really. I'm still more inclined to source a cheap MacBook or used MacBook Pro than a new Mini. The two other MacBook Pros in use in the household are both previous generation 17" machines and aren't compatible with the new LED screens from Apple which the new Minis need. I don't really see anything in the new Minis to make me spend the dough. For the same dough or less I could get a laptop with a built-in screen.
  2. My Powerbook G4 is USB 1.1 I would have thought that would make the DROBO slower than octogenarian sex; no?
  3. Hmmmm....I've been holding off ordering a Mini while waiting to see the new models. I was kind of hoping they'd still have a Firewire 400 port for my Duet and a regular video port for my Cinema display (HDMI port would have been really nice) but now I hear the Duet and Mini are not complimentary I'm going to have to see if I can still squeeze some use out of my old Powerbook G4 867mhz 12" as a future home/business file/music server. Trouble is the 867 is almost too slow to run the Duet (867 vs 1ghz min rec.), doesn't have optical out and now I find out can't run the DROBO I was thinking of getting and the Duet at the same time. Darn, I may still need a Mac Mini.
  4. I was going to pen something short and witty about naamanf being the builder of the sexiest B22s on record but now I have this wretched image in my head of the guy waving a soldering iron in his Y-fronts. What are Old Swishers?
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