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Everything posted by IceClass

  1. IceClass

    Top Gear

    If that were the sole criteria then the little hamster guy would have been sent although I'd have to agree with anyone who might suggest his history around jet engines isn't that reassuring.
  2. I wonder if the internal DAC is as good as the DUET?
  3. That's almost as crazy shiny as the EAR gear and my Dodd ELP which is a right bastard to keep fingerprint free.
  4. The Woostatic! Killer looks but like naamf I'm not sure about that windshield. It looks a bit unfinished. Now where's that WA22 at?
  5. Wherever I could ski and sail in the same day. It would help if the area was motorcycle and hunter friendly.
  6. Well in that case; if it can do a little Thai...
  7. No drives!?? WTF does it do; cook dinner?
  8. Well yeah, but is there anything he hasn't owned?
  9. Oh, I thought you were off to live in a hut with swamp people or summint.
  10. I thought the whole point of all that studying was precisely so as to afford more and bigger audio toys!!??
  11. Noted. It was late and I was being lazy. I shall take your comments to heart and promptly flagellate myself into a penitent frenzy with a limp wet noodle. Hey I like some Frippertronics. He did a great album with David Sylvian.
  12. I've heard those noises! ... and they are really terrible. In a screaming eviscerated digital cat kinda way. It is not cool. ... and that seems to happen all the more so when the computer is a 867mhz and Apogee's recommended minimum specs for the Duet is 1Ghz.
  13. Is the ESP/950 the only "quality" cans Koss has? I find it strange that a company whose main line of business is headphones has such a generally low end product line. Koss are cool people to deal with ( I bought some headphone holders) but I can't help wonder if they're a sleepy little subsidiary of some giant industrial giant that's completely forgotten they exist. It's not like Koss really hustle.
  14. ...and the Drobo is cute too! ...although not as cool as the new cube thing from Lacie.
  15. If I don't have to buy a new Mini I can buy other toys. Besides the 12" is unsellable since I dropped it off the desk and dinged the optical drive entrance and bust a couple of keys out. That and if I had to get another computer I think I'd get another laptop as I like the idea of having a screen built-in. If I have to I'll scrap the Duet and use a big FW400 drive for music library storage while USB--->DAC ... and so far, I haven't noticed any issues with the G4s wireless being too slow to serve itunes. Still it sucks not to be able to use the Duet with a big drive fast enough to serve iTunes files. Blah!
  16. Yeah, I know. I'm just desperately trying to figure out options on how to make some use out of an old G4 12" as the brains in a music server instead of packing it off to the landfill.
  17. %$#@! Is a big ass USB1.1 drive fast enough to use for itunes serving?
  18. Didn't the 1st gens have FW400 as well as USB?
  19. Je fumes pour oublier que tu bois. Inoubliable!
  20. I like the angular top plate but the knobs look cheap and nasty.
  21. Absolutely agree. I don't understand those that cling to the redundancy of twin plugs when one will do. That said, I'm not a huge fan of dual volume pots. Anyone know if it'll have a preamp out as per the WA2?
  22. Congrats. That' some sweet looking hardware you have there.
  23. That looks like it must sound bloody amazing. I just have this massive urge to drop by with a copy of Glenn Gould's WTC and help myself to a beer from the fridge.
  24. Really?? Does this mean I could hook a Mini up to my 52" Sharp Aquos LCD?
  25. 12L2 passives?
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