I've been enjoying the LP by "German Oak" quite a lot lately. Its kind of obscure, but very enjoyable imo. here is a nice review i found of it: http://www.headheritage.co.uk/unsung/albumofthemonth/290
if it sounds interesting i can upload a couple mp3's if you want.
ah ok. well i don't know anything about the spamming/trolling, but unless he specifically said not to, couldn't another op add the person who was de-op'ed back to the list?
i can't really understand why you wouldn't want to allow a person to delete their own thread. they would probably only do this during an argument or something, so there wouldn't be a lot of good info in there worth saving anyways.
forgive me for the terrible pic, my real camera is broken, so had to use camera phone
i think this is max for my cpu, on air at least. stepping/week is cab2e 0546