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Everything posted by steel102

  1. I've been enjoying the LP by "German Oak" quite a lot lately. Its kind of obscure, but very enjoyable imo. here is a nice review i found of it: http://www.headheritage.co.uk/unsung/albumofthemonth/290 if it sounds interesting i can upload a couple mp3's if you want.
  2. gotta be michael angelo IMO, because a lot of his stuff still sounds very melodic and enjoyable, not just an incomprehensible flurry of notes
  3. ah ok. well i don't know anything about the spamming/trolling, but unless he specifically said not to, couldn't another op add the person who was de-op'ed back to the list?
  4. why not just stop linking to tubgirl and lemonparty
  5. i can't really understand why you wouldn't want to allow a person to delete their own thread. they would probably only do this during an argument or something, so there wouldn't be a lot of good info in there worth saving anyways.
  6. similarly, there are whole forums dedicated to computer help, yet, here we are in the computer help hotline.
  7. nevermind! he's already here under a diff. name haha
  8. do you think they deserve all the praise they get, or is there anything else you prefer for the price?
  9. forgive me for the terrible pic, my real camera is broken, so had to use camera phone i think this is max for my cpu, on air at least. stepping/week is cab2e 0546
  10. not scandalous enough
  11. that guy is going to be a wreck as soon as he retires
  12. i ate pb&j sandwiches for almost 2 years in a row for lunch during school (because they were quick to make), so i'm pretty
  13. yes, i have been using adblock for quite some time, and i got a warning from jude for mentioning it in a thread
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