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Everything posted by archosman

  1. camel-tipping?
  2. This just gets weirder and weirder...
  3. Here's all the episodes... AMC The Prisoner 1960s Video Player
  4. And now I assume you're ready to meet... Number 1. Way back in the day there was a local video store that had the entire series on laserdisc. Rented each one for a week. Bought the entire series on dvd awhile back.
  5. LiveLeak.com - Mind Screwing Video - This Is Enlightening trippy...
  6. welcome...
  7. Here's my update... Last week I bought a PS3 motherboard off of Craigslist. Completely took apart the PS3 and replaced the motherboard. Fired it up and it came back. I did lose all of my data since it thought it was another PS3. Only problem I have is the new board came out of a kiosk so I have to enter in a security code when I turn it on. Also have a bit of trouble accessing the playstation store. Other than that it works. Will probably pick up a new one though when I get a chance. If yours is doing the same thing mine is you're screwed. The guy I bought the board off of buys dead PS3s and brings them back. He's done a few and seem to know exactly what was wrong with mine. So your choices are if it's under warranty send it in. In not it's $150 plus waiting for Sony to send you the shipping "coffin".
  8. Brutal Miniature Photography
  9. Somehow somewhere someday he's going to have to acknowledge this site. Might as well try to get along instead of be at each others throats. Unless it's some sort of money issue...
  10. x2...
  11. Same here still... Not the end of the world but it gets old after awhile.
  12. [ame= [/ame][ame= YouTube - korean boy's singing 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' Mariah Carey's song[/ame]
  13. For quite some time now I've noticed that I'm constantly having to re-log in on certain websites. Head-Case is fine, but for example if I don't go to Head-Fi for 2 days when I do go back I'm logged out. There are at least 4 or 5 other sites that have been giving me this grief lately. I'm on Firefox 3.0.5 on a Mac. I'm the only one on this machine so I'm not worried about someone getting on and pretending to be me. This problem is really starting to annoy me. Any suggestions? I do periodically clear out private data minus Cookies, Offline Website Data, and Saved Passwords.
  14. While convenient plugging in to a port on the keyboard is not a good idea... especially if it's something that draws that much current. I pretty much quit doing that a long time ago. Might be worthwhile to have your front USB port checked. Something could be bent or damaged. I've tried to plug in a few cables the wrong way on mine!
  15. Damn you Hitler!
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