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Everything posted by archosman

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUa7oBsSDk8
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bfq5kju627c
  3. http://youtu.be/q2tKfBOv9Xs
  4. http://youtu.be/BNZu1uxNvlo
  5. http://youtu.be/WPkByAkAdZs
  6. http://youtu.be/vkADY0kcBIs
  7. One of my favorite albums... probably not a lot of people here have heard of him.
  8. 66 Behind the scenes photos from The Empire Strikes Back http://imgur.com/a/HGtG0
  9. Surprise him...
  10. They missed one...
  11. I was told there would be no math...
  12. Only 1gig....
  13. Funny thing is it's working perfectly now. I wonder if they're throttling my bandwidth or it's just the amount of users here in the complex. Of course it's almost 1am so that may make a difference.
  14. Well I tried Safari and it was a little better. Guess I'll have to see what Firefox does. They better get on the ball and fix it.
  15. http://vimeo.com/60280914 '>Margaret - Thank You Very Much... NSFW!
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