I do quite a bit of contract work for one of the country networks here. All footage that comes in goes into a central storage system so that all of the edit bays can access the same thing at the same time if necessary. We just finished the CMA Music Fest (Fan Fair) last week so there's a ton of footage in the system at the moment. Once it's in I go through another program and label all of the metadata so that it can be archived-then blown out of the system. Which means I have to go through and label every artist that's in there as well as industry people.
We got a call today from one of the tour companies here. While talent was out interviewing the "man on the street" they did a quick bit with 2 couples from New England. The footage either made it in to one of the promos or shows this week. The tour company said that one of the guys we interviewed had an aneurism while walking across the street downtown. It was just like someone turned off a light switch. He just collapsed with no warning. Was in intensive care and they most likely took him off of life support today. The tour guide said that the wife was wondering if there was any way she could get a copy of the footage since this will be pretty much the last thing they have of him.
Most of the time it's a rather laborious process to get footage from a network. Have to make sure of clearance rights and all that... but since it wasn't an artist but your average Joe they came down and I quickly found the footage, threw it on a timeline and layed it out to dvd. The tour guide came in around 3pm crying and very grateful that we were able to do this while they were still in town. Hate it for the spouse that she'll probably always remember this year's Music Fest.
RIP Paul...