Hi, folks
Is it still the plan to go with the same Dynahi-like board layout? I'm thinking that I'd actually like to play around with the design a bit here; in particular, using surface mount for resistors when possible, to keep the size down and signal paths short. I know a lot of DIY folks have a phobia of surface mount, but IMHO it's actually easier than through hole in quantity, and makes the end result a lot prettier.
If I were designing a power supply for this sort of thing, I'd throw in a microcontroller, dot-matrix VFD, all sorts of voltage / current / temperature monitoring, and potentially dynamic bias adjustment - but that's just me.
Is everyone set on using 2SJ76/2SK213 (or J79 and K216) output devices?
edit: Fortunately I've still got my old board files around. Just barely within the size limits of EAGLE's free version.