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Everything posted by bdonegan

  1. I have made the donation to Doctors Without Borders.... Relief Raffle for Haiti Thanks again to everyone for helping out. We hope to do this kind of thing more often if we can.
  2. I have made the donation to Doctors Without Borders.... Relief Raffle for Haiti Thanks again to everyone for helping out. We hope to do this kind of thing more often if we can.
  3. I just posted the winners and a video of the drawing. Thanks everyone, this was great! Relief Raffle for Haiti
  4. Well, I just found out (Monday morning) that it's only a $1000 match, not $5000. Ooops. Well, $1000 match is way better then $0 match. Sorry for the misinformation. I will beat the coworker who misinformed me (yeah, I probably should have looked it up).
  5. Update: My employer (Citrix Systems) will match the contribution up to $5000!
  6. Twisted Pear Audio (Russ and I) are holding a raffle to raise money for Doctors Without Borders relief work in Haiti. I have set up a page on our site here: Relief Raffle for Haiti The Grand Prize for the raffle is a complete kits to build a Buffalo II-based digital preamp. This consists of a BuffaloII module, IVY-II I/V Stage, Placid power supply kits for both, an S/PDIF Mux kit, a Volumite Kit for the BuffaloII, and a pair of transformers. We are also giving away the following runner-up prizes: An Opus S/PDIF (or USB) Dual-Mono DAC Combination A COD S/PDIF (or USB) Dual-Mono DAC Combination A Ventus Headphone Amp Kit Each raffle ticket is $10. 100% of the proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders. Each entry will increase your chances of winning. We will hold a drawing for winners on Wednesday, January 20th at 8PM EST. Winners will be notified via email and in this thread. We are hoping to raise as much as we can, so please help out. Thanks! Brian and Russ
  7. This should answer that...
  8. I would replace it with the original.
  9. Analog attenuators add noise (from resistors) and varying impedance. Neither approach is without it's pitfalls. There is more to the Sabre32 than just improved specs. Customizable FIR filters, lots more flexibility in configuration, better HW defaults, auto-detection of the source type (s/pdif, I2s, DSD), etc. Basically it's better performance and all the features/fixes that were missing from the Sabre8. (Sorry for being on-topic )
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