Mike Mclean Motown engineer.
I did some experimenting whereby I placed my head directly above the microphone and alternately listened to the direct sound of the band, and then, by putting on the headphones, to the recorded sound. Except for the change in spatial perspective (the sound was inside my head instead of in front of me) associated with the headphones, the basic quality, and timbre of the sound was virtually identical. I remember being very pleased by the precision of this successful direct comparison.
The Dt48 has already opened my eyes to a whole new world of headphone listening above the Mid-Fi world of hd600 , K701 and the like .
Uncle Erik
As for comparison to the K-1000, the DT48 has a similar neutral timbre and excellent range. The DT48 is faster, more transparent and more resolving to me. I can pick out details I haven't noticed before. That might be because the DT48 is closed and much closer to my ear. The K-1000 wins for soundstage, slightly better bass, and comfort.
Uncle Erik
I don't know what the secret sauce is for the unreal level of detail. Must have beem something the Beyerdynamic engineers have cooked up over the years. Whatever they've done, it is one of the most revealing drivers on this planet.
Uncle Erik
Look at the Beyerdynamic DT48. The soundstage isn't huge, but the detail, precision and neutrality are stunning.
I mean, they completely demolish the K-701. No comparison whatsoever, they're in a different league.
Uncle Erik
Tonally, they're dead neutral, just like the planars, as well as very good headphones like the K-1000, HP-2, K-240DF, and HD-600. Things just sound accurate from the DT48, while pulling more detail than the others. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do
They don't have any bass and they are ultra analytic (as opposed to musical or organic) but if you can get past that they are the most revealing cans I've ever heard - as in they make the AKG 501 or the Beyer 880 or the Grado RS-1 or the Senn 600 all sound like they have a veil over them. You can clearly heard details in them that you can't with the other cans (things like background voices in a club recording, for instance).
There were beyers very first dynamic headphone and are stilla well respected staple. The list for about $400 and are great. Search the threads for impression but they make the AKG 501 sound slow and sluggish - yes their midrange is that good but they don't have a good deal of bass. Worth hearing once in your life.