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High Rollers
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Everything posted by acidbasement

  1. Gay slur in lyrics disqualifies Dire Straits hit from Canadian radio play - The Globe and Mail I'm pissed off about this. This song was the first one I ever played air-guitar to at 6 or 7 years old, and it probably was a big influence in my calling to musicianship.
  2. Isolation? Stay off the internet for awhile. Good sound? I know nothing about this. Neither does anyone else here.
  3. source: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal I think I just became addicted to another webcomic. This guy is brilliant.
  4. That is wonderful.
  5. Merry Christmas, one and all! I mostly lurk here, but I learn a lot and I like the character(s) of this place. Best of the season to y'all!
  6. Pour on some brandy and strike a match,... Oh wait, I thought we were talking about finishing pudding preparations.
  7. I live to serve, m'lord.
  8. I thought it was F - fire dept., A - ambulance, P - police. I'd rather believe Reks though.
  9. I recommend regular prostate exams past the age of 35.
  10. I don't know about JHs, but I have trouble maintaining a seal with my custom musicians' earplugs. In the absence of being able to transform them to silicon, I've found that smearing a dab of petroleum jelly around on them prior to use helps a lot.
  11. I suggest KSC75 and spell-checking. Correct punctuation wouldn't go amiss either, but I suspect multi-tasking may be a bit much for you.
  12. I wish all y'all Americans a Happy Thanksgivin'er.
  13. I'm going to get a strong drink and come back to see if this thread looks any different.
  14. http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/estimation.png
  15. ) :-0 ------->) )
  16. Read boomana's article in the wiki page of head-fi.org.
  17. Beauty, thanks! That spells it out about as simply as possible.
  18. Uh, I guess I'll just use some big ones and see how hot they get then.
  19. So, I want to build an L-Pad based headphone adapter so I can connect headphones to the speaker outputs of an amp. This is mainly for S&Gs, but if it works great then I have the added bonus of having my innate and poverty-enhanced cheapness vindicated. I was planning to use this information from Meier to optimize the impedance for my headphones: http://www.meier-audio.homepage.t-online.de/ - click on "tips and tricks" and look under the impedance optimization title. One thing I can't figure out (yes, I'm challenged with these types of calculations) is how many watts the resistors should need to be able to disspate. Let's assume I have an amp that maxes out around 50W into 8 ohms. Anyone?
  20. Bowls. Haven't heard it with flats.
  21. ^ That's what I always felt about the lower-end Grados. "Great for rock!" shout the SR225 fans, but I can't even hear the kick drum when the guitars get loud. The HF-2 was certainly better at keeping the bass in when I heard it though. If I were looking for a dynamic 'phone to complement my HD600s I'd put it on my shortlist.
  22. The sequel to FUBAR, the greatest hoser mockumentary every made, is released on Oct. 2. For some reason I can't get the trailer to embed.
  23. I'm hoping to get my medical use card this fall. There may be an advantage to having late-onset epilepsy after all. Anyway, I recommend that you buy something you've never heard based on the recommendations of complete strangers.
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