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Everything posted by acidbasement

  1. I like. A lot. It looks badass and it suddenly made me realize that the white background feels harsh on my eyes at night. Now I'm not going to want to surf away from here - adjusting back to bright websites will hurt.
  2. Happy birthday Tyll! Thanks for all your work advancing our hobby.
  3. Me too, especially when it involves taking something apart.
  4. Yeah, I looked into that, and I'd definitely do it if I had cell phone signal at my house. Since I don't, I'd have to choose between either checking email at home and authenticating via my landline, or checking email elsewhere and authenticating via my cell phone - wouldn't be able to do both. Having spent a good part of today making sure I don't have a keylogger installed on my computer, I'm going to go with beefy's suggestion and LastPass everything. As far as lessons learned go, this was an inconvenient one, but so far not disastrous, thankfully.
  5. Having spoken to the anti-fraud centre, I guess revenge won't be mine. If I told him I sent the money he'd be able to pick it up at any western union in the UK - they don't make you specify where it will be picked up at any smaller scale than country. LastPass it is.
  6. No idea, but revenge will be mine! The hacker sent the "please send money" email to my old hotmail account, so I changed my hotmail username and responded to him. He gave me the address of the Western Union in the UK where he'd like the money sent. I'm hoping I can line up a plainclothes law enforcement professional to rendez-vous with him there. I've got to call the Canadian anti-fraud centre tomorrow to report it, but I hope I'm not being naive in assuming that's how it can go down.
  7. Spent the morning doing damage control when I realized that a) my gmail was hacked, b ) all my contacts were sent the standard "help I'm stranded somewhere; please wire me money!" scam email, c) my entire inbox was stolen and deleted. Shit on a bike, I'm going to start using lastpass for everything, and switch back to downloading emails to thunderbird. It's the first time ever my kids have spent the entire morning watching cartoons. I now see why the 24-h cartoon channel is sometimes useful.
  8. This thread may be useful to you if you're uneasy about delving into diy 650 repair: http://www.head-fi.org/forum/thread/390615/project-frankensixfifties-tm-w-pics He used 580 cups, which may or may not be significantly different - I have no idea. Good luck though.
  9. Congrats, Reks! Don't let planning the wedding stress you out. It doesn't have to be perfect - it just has to be a party.
  10. The view out my back door makes me very happy. It's even better when there are cattle visible. I suppose the view is not particularly new, but we put the house there quite recently.
  11. There's just something about rye that I usually don't like - I don't think it's the lack of flavour besides alcohol; it's something else that just rubs me the wrong way. I'll have to try that CC from sherry casks if I get the chance though. They make you turn in your plaid shirt if you refuse to drink rye in the Prairie provinces after all.
  12. I've yet to try the 10yo Cask Strength (not available in Canada) but it's on my list of must-tries next time I head south of the border. I'm in Edmonton for awhile, and there are a couple of places here where I can likely compare the 10, 15 and 18. I will report back with the results of my investigation. Currently drinking Forty Creek Barrel Select, and my wife has just called me to help her finish off her Big Rock Grasshopper wheat ale.
  13. Do you guys like the Laphroaig 15 better than the 10? They finally started selling it in Canada again after a 5-year drought and I'm curious...
  14. I recently found the first rye Canadian whisky that I really like: It's apparently a blend of rye, barley, and corn. It's not as good as most of the Scotches in my cupboard, but it's less than half the price and I could happily and quickly drink it all night if I weren't bloody epileptic.
  15. Amy Winehouse is dead. 27 years old.
  16. Dude, get over yourself. If you decide to (and are allowed to) stay, you will want to lurk and read a lot before posting again, and when you post again, you will want to do so with a bit of humility. This forum is an excellent technical resource with good people, and keeping it that way requires that noobs get a sense of what it's all about before posting. If you're going to insult the established members and admins in your first few posts because they didn't tell you what you wanted to hear, I'm afraid you will be weeded out rather quickly. All the best to you.
  17. acidbasement


    I've noticed quite a few in Winnipeg on kijiji. My impression is that they generally seem to be priced too close to the real shitty mckoy to be knockoffs, but I admit to having no retail experience in this sector and therefore no credibility.
  18. My isolating frankenorthos, on which I have no time to spend getting the damping right, sound great with a huge amount of bass boost - way better than anything else that would let me listen in bed while my wife is trying to sleep. I have had pretty good results using an old NAD receiver with bass set to 3 o'clock. I'm currently in the middle of cleaning up a salvaged Yamaha RX-350 stereo receiver, and it has a loudness potentiometer (rather than a switch), which seems like it might sound better than just cranking up the bass on the NAD, though I haven't done any A/B comparisons yet.
  19. One of the Winnipeg contingent on HF ordered his from Long & McQuade a couple of months ago and they still haven't come in, though he should have them by the time we have our next meet. Now I'm looking forward to hearing them!
  20. I really liked that show. Did the first season follow (ie. skim over, I'm sure) the first book in its entirety, or are we still only part of the way through the first book? In any event, I will be reading the books shortly.
  21. Poor guy. I hope he gets his Les Paul back. Spread the word.
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