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Everything posted by acidbasement

  1. It's bugging me that nearly all appliances are becoming computer-controlled. The controller broke on our vacuum last year (~$250 to fix), and now the one on our reasonably new (but off warranty) washing machine is having problems. Repairing/replacing the computer board costs about the same amount as a new machine. I don't know why it's so desirable to be able to remotely control appliances if the tradeoff is in their lifespan. Well, okay, from a manufacturer's and retailer's perspective, it makes perfect sense, but for the rest of us, I say WTF.
  2. Welcome to the dirty thirties, Luis!
  3. Primary research is clearly the way to go. See you in the drunk thread.
  4. Yup, that was my beef with them, with the small amount of time I spent with them - the sound changed way too much depending on their position on my head.
  5. Happy birthday!
  6. Happy birthday, Knucks!
  7. Get started by buying second-hand. That way, when your experience with a headphone falls short of the rave reviews you've read, you can re-sell it without losing much money and buy the next one on your short list. Eventually you'll figure out what you like. Or you could try listening to headphones at a brick and mortar store, if you can find one in your location.
  8. Happy Birthday Jacob! Have fun tonight!
  9. Merry Christmas everyone!
  10. Hrothgar. Edit: Oh, since it's a Hungarian breed, perhaps you don't want an Old English name. Here's a good list of Hungarian names, with meanings: http://www.behindthename.com/php/browse.php?type_gender=1&operator_gender=&value_gender[]=masculine&type_usage=1&operator_usage=&value_usage[]=hungarian
  11. If I had the cash, I'd probably be thinking that this is the time to get a few toppish-tier Stax, before the market value of made-in-Japan models shoots through the roof, like Orpheus, K1000, etc. Call it an enjoyable investment. Since I don't have the cash, I lament the fact that my likelihood of even getting to hear one of their top-tier cans may have gone down several notches.
  12. Good birthday to you!
  13. Happy birthday!
  14. Just a suggestion that, given how new you are, people might be more willing to send you money if your website provided your physical address and phone number. I would be pretty uncomfortable using your services without a bit more assurance that you're not a scammer. Or am I missing something?
  15. Happity birthday!
  16. Have a great birthday!
  17. Happy birthday!
  18. Happy birthday!
  19. Happy birthday!
  20. Happy birthday!
  21. Happy belated!
  22. Yup, I've also read similar things since buying mine. I've had no troubles, but I know there are many others cursing the brand now. Also, I was not intending to recommend the T753 in my earlier post (not sure if it came across that way), since it does not do HDMI switching. I just wanted to point out the potential fan issue.
  23. I like my NAD T753, but I had to put it behind a door in a cabinet because it has an annoying fan. Just something to keep in mind if you're looking at NAD receivers. I suspect their processors are not endowed with fans.
  24. Happy birthday!
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