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Everything posted by acidbasement

  1. Those are some drool-inducing pics. What are the abs (or are they pvc?) pipe speakers, and did you have a listen? In theory, pipe should appeal to my lazy approach to diy, when I finally make time to start building speakers.
  2. I really enjoyed reading this, from Cracked: 6 things rich people need to stop saying.
  3. Here's hoping you get to frolic in the flowers soon, Al. Happy birthday!
  4. Happy birthday Smeggy!
  5. He most certainly did. Now that spring has sprung, I have discovered that my pipe has a broken stem. Not an expensive pipe, thankfully.
  6. Happy birthday!
  7. Happy birthday!
  8. Soapstone's strength depends on where it was quarried, so you might just need stronger stone - ie. structural as opposed to carving soapstone. Liquid N might be a bit much for any rock though.
  9. Have a happy one, Larry!
  10. Happy birthday!
  11. What is the meaning of the name? According to this, it translates from Icelandic to English as "Clearly Randi flash". I suspect there's something incorrect about that.
  12. George R.R. Martin was interviewed on CBC radio this morning. You can stream it here.
  13. Happy belated!
  14. I just got back from vacation to find a 1984 Sony D-5A portable cdp waiting for me in the mail. Plugging my HD600s into it, I think I may be able to put off the amp upgrade bug for awhile. It's sounding great to me, and the saved money is going in the speaker jar.
  15. Thanks, and sorry for the forum pollution.
  16. Because this thread needs more horseshit: I think I may be in a position to do a wee upgrade in the next few weeks. Can anyone offer suggestions? I have HD600s, which I like a lot. I consider my sources okay, some of them at least. My various amps, however, will not get me into anyone's pants at a headphone meet (a couple of portables and an L-pad). I've never heard anything electrostatic, and I'm Stax-curious. So, can Senn fans comment on what I otter do? My obvious options, as I see them given my budget, are along the lines of either upgrading my amp to something decent and experiencing the scalability of my HD600s, or getting a set of Stax SR-Lambda with an energizer. Would the Lambdas be more of a lateral move, just a different flavour but not necessarily better than the HD600s?
  17. Here is the relevant passage, in case you didn't see it: Now, I'm not going to tell you to get lost, because you seem like a courteous person so far and, being Canadian, I like that. Just consider this a friendly warning that noobs tend to get worked over pretty harshly for posting too much all at once, and it often snowballs into a ban. Read some of the old threads where new people ask for advice about headphones or amps for specific examples. Then keep reading, because you will probably learn more that way than by asking us anyway.
  18. Nice article, and seems to provide links to good references. I like.
  19. Happy birthday!
  20. Have a happy one, Nate!
  21. Happy birthday!
  22. Congrats!!!
  23. Happity birthday!
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