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Everything posted by acidbasement

  1. Neat. I wonder about the potential for microphone diaphragms as well.
  2. Happy birthday!
  3. That qualifies as a good excuse, especially given the theme of the last few pages in this thread.
  4. Now you're mixing up Lain and Iain. Thanks though - it continues to improve even since this morning.
  5. My back is getting better. In two days I'll be playing a lot of drums at a packed venue (likely packed, anyway - it's the pre-St. Patrick's Day party) - I hope it continues to improve, or the music will get pretty slow as the night goes on. Everyone else who is sick, hurt, doped on Nyquil, or covered in coffee, I hope things improve.
  6. Ugh, I destroyed my back this morning, pushing a round hay bale down a hill for the cows. Just took a Robaxacet. The side-effects are quite variable, apparently. I'll report back regarding the colour of my urine.
  7. Happy birthday!
  8. Damn, sucks about your car, CJ. My late grandmother bumped into a thing or two when she re-took her driver's exam at 95 years old. She flunked the exam, and furiously declared in her defense, "I only hit it because I couldn't see it!" The whole town breathed a little easier that day.
  9. Happy belated!
  10. Happy birthday Nate!
  11. Glad you and your stuff are alright, Steve! I spent the last few days at a land-use planning conference. It was okay, but people weren't having enough fun. I guess I'm used to academic conferences, where partying is a given. Today I assembled a NordicTrack elliptical machine for our basement.
  12. We've never paid for cable or satellite. Netflix and blu-ray, pretty much exclusively. We have little kids though, so we don't have a whole lot of time for watching anyway. I would love to have HBO and a few other channels, for the new shows, but it would cost something like $80/month in Canada to get the necessary satellite bundle. It's far cheaper for us to wait until they're available on blu-ray. We don't torrent much, and never new stuff, because we're paranoid about what will happen in the wake of the new anti-piracy law passing in Canada.
  13. Sorry to hear that, Knucks.
  14. My thoughts exactly. I went to the same elementary school 30 years ago, and it was much worse. The current principal is great, and intends to embrace what little diversity exists in this small town - she's just new, so she hasn't found all the ropes yet.
  15. Sent an email to my kid's elementary school principal asking her why a Christian Grace prayer was said on behalf of the whole group before last night's parent-student potluck at the school, given that schools are secular, not everyone in attendance was religious, etc. Got a response back saying sorry, we didn't know there were atheists in attendance, and it won't happen again.
  16. Have a great birthday, Dan!
  17. Haggard - Eppur Si Muove Medieval-classical-metal mashup. It's really good, for those not in the know.
  18. Hope it's a good 'un!
  19. Simone called and asked me to wish you a happy birthday.
  20. Sorry to hear about the back, Steve. Happy belated anyway!
  21. Just got back on the train in Jasper. Some elk were stuck between us and a freight.
  22. Best wishes for a zombie-dispatching birthday!
  23. For Shelly.
  24. Hippity bippity!
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