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Everything posted by acidbasement

  1. Hope you had a good one, Wayne!
  2. Happy birthday Steve!
  3. My recipe was improvised - I used the basic method from here: http://dishbydish.net/2013/01/14/beef-liver-pate/ Then I added some curry, cumin, and dijon mustard in increasing amounts until it tasted like something I'd want on a cracker. I've got no experience with pate, but I've got a lot of liver in the freezer, so I'll probably make it a few more times unless this one turns out to be regrettable.
  4. I just made beef liver pâté. You sure need to add a lot of spices before it tastes like anything besides liver. Will report back tomorrow, since it's supposed to chill for awhile.
  5. It's beef sausage.
  6. He ate my grass for two years, so I had him killed. Delicious.
  7. Happy birthday!
  8. It's just because it's pieces of soapstone cemented together, not steel welded together. A small first fire does the final cure on the cement, and slowly drives any moisture out of the stone, which might cause it to crack if a really hot fire were made. My only regret is that I did not pay extra for the cryo-treated soapstone.
  9. I would also ask the vet his/her opinion on Lyme disease. Similar symptoms for my dog eventually resulted in that diagnosis, but it took a long time to find a vet who would consider it a possibility (it's a very under-reported illness in Canada). Different topic: I'm currently watching the small break-in fire on the new stove.
  10. Here's hoping for no more seizures.
  11. No birds eaten yet. The boys have determined that his name is Joost.
  12. We'll let his litter-trainedness, or lack thereof, determine whether he's a drummer or bassist.
  13. Someone dropped a box of kittens off at the vet clinic. My wife couldn't resist.
  14. Happy birthday, Stretch! Hope you're having a great one.
  15. People who look the same in every photo:
  16. Happy birthday, Deepak!
  17. Funniest thing I've seen in awhile. Possibly because my wife is a taxonomist. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPqJkG2XhQ8
  18. Happy birthday!
  19. I'm getting wood today. I'm gathering firewood from the forest today. Winter is coming, etc.
  20. This really fucking sucks. For a government that claims to be conservative, they're really bad at it unless you happen to be an oil company. A bunch of my favourite bands have been on Facebook today saying that they won't be able to tour Canada again as a result of these new rules.
  21. This. The ratio of girth to height is also important. I'd say somewhere around 0.65 is ideal.
  22. Happy birthday, youngster.
  23. Our pipe dream is to tear down an unusable barn on our property and side the house with weathered barn-board. Free materials, but lots of work! Hey, who wants to come and help me tear down a barn next summer? Okay, back to work. I had to come inside to get a beer. Big Rock Grasshopper wheat ale is tasty on a hot, muggy day.
  24. Some friends came over yesterday to help me put house-wrap on my house. Today I'm going to try to finish most of the job solo. At the rate this house is progressing, we'll have siding on by the fall of 2014.
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