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Everything posted by acidbasement

  1. Canadian airline Westjet converts to metric time. They also offer a 20% off discount for booking travel today, which is legit.
  2. Happy birthday, old-timer!
  3. May it have been a birthday for the books!
  4. "Empire of the Undead", the new album from Gamma Ray, goes onsale today. They're live-streaming now. I'm excited.
  5. Northern Guard: Assault A Tower Defense game for Android and iOS devices, whose plot revolves around Canadian superheroes defending Parliament Hill. A friend of mine is making it. I'm not much of a gamer, but maybe those of you who are could be interested.
  6. Mastering is one of the cheapest steps in the process of bringing a record to market. That's why remastering is so popular with classic records.
  7. So, Eleanor and I are sailing on the 70,000 Tons of Metal cruise next year. Tickets just went onsale, in case anyone wants to join us. The lineup is shaping up to be their best evar, IMO. http://70000tons.com/artists/
  8. Excellent (though time-consuming) way to take revenge on a scammer.
  9. Happy belated, Larry. Enjoy the steak. I finally got a call from the scammer who wants people to let him take control of their computer to fix all the security problems. Managed to keep him on the phone for seven minutes.
  10. That's what I'm most curious about, and that's where I think Neil Young has a chance of success, given his contacts (and apparently some buy-in, based on the video) from decades in the record industry.
  11. Happy birthday!
  12. It's like, CD-quality is when you're 200 feet below the surface of the water, but when you get to 192, you've broken through the surface of the water and you're out in the air, man. Argh... that promo video in all its wishy-washy bullshittery can't be unseen.
  13. You're not the only one, John. Their marketing dept. should be doing more to play up the double entendre, IMO.
  14. I don't think there's any way a dedicated music player can compete with smartphones outside audio enthusiast circles - muggles will happily sacrifice audio quality if it means they don't have to carry a second device. I only hope it gets enough market share and buzz that the loudness war moves closer to becoming uncool in the industry.
  15. A reasonably-priced trans/portable flac player with decent storage and a high-quality line stage (one assumes)? I like the shape for that purpose. The video on the kickstarter page bugged the shit out of me, but if the reviews are good I'll probably get one at some point.
  16. Happy birthday Ryan!
  17. Sucks, Jon. Good luck with resolution!
  18. The Axpona website has been updated with a whole bunch of info about this year's event. Looks pretty cool. I'm sad to say that I most likely can't commit to going, unless it looks doable at the last minute.
  19. 15 cm of fluffy is currently falling on us here. If it's not -30, it's snowing. This winter blows goats.
  20. Hope it's a good one, Nate!
  21. Heh, my wife is in Saskatoon tonight. The windchill there is expected to be -64 in the morning
  22. Overnight forecast of -38 here, with windchill equivalent to -51 by morning.
  23. Whoa, amazing!
  24. -39 C here right now. This is a bit much.
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