I think if the makers had any audio credentials, they would have mentioned them in the pitch. All I got out of the pitch was that they are skateboarders with environmental ethics and left-wing politics who like to diy. That's fine, but I'm surprised their kickstarter was funded given the cost of the cans and the fact that they mentioned nothing about how they'll sound.
But good on them for doing something interesting, and who knows, maybe they'll be okay.
The campaign bugs me. It's more about appealing to the politically radical and less about anything I care about in a headphone. Still, maybe the rock-hard maple could be used as a weapon in the Montreal riots that will ensue when the Habs either win the Stanley Cup or don't.
I feel like we should get a few goats for the "lawn" portion of our yard, because we're terrible at mowing. Trouble with goats is that they climb and jump on everything, including guest's vehicles.
Depends on how many times the tractor, haybine, and baler break down, and how bad. We'll usually cut and bale it once in late July, and then let the cattle graze it down in September/October. We've got about 600 acres, a mix of forest, pasture, hay, and wetlands.
It's not so bad here. Mosquitoes in the summer, cold in the winter, and not a whole lot else to worry about. No hurricanes, earthquakes, malaria... we rarely even lock our doors.
Speaking of canoes, though, I expect that will be how I get off the property for the next week.
Yes, but I'm what you call very cheap, which makes current-generation things less likely to make it into my shopping basket. I don't know why you guys keep me around.
The snow is almost gone from the fields here, but there's still lots in the bush remaining to melt. We've got nothing but rain in the forecast, and the seasonal creek is already running over the gravel road that is our house's main method of accessing the outside world. I'm going to go ahead and predict that the road will be completely washed out by tomorrow. This past winter just can't take the hint and leave gracefully - it has to keep jabbing one more "fuck you" after another at us.
Great grey owls can have up to a five-foot wingspan. They're pretty badass. We also have great horned owls, which are not quite as big, but meaner - they'll take out cats, no problem.
I've been watching this great grey owl all day. It's been staying within 75 m of my house since I woke up. Owls are awesome and I need a better camera. That is all.