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High Rollers
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Everything posted by acidbasement

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o94bpCgZo4Q This is one of the most catchy protest folk songs I've heard.
  2. Happy birthday, Jim!
  3. Nice house, Ian! Congrat!
  4. Glad it was a good one! Have another good one today on me, since I'm late to this thread.
  5. May your birthday be filled with all the good!
  6. I intended to spend the day cleaning up the yard, taking garbage to the dump, and entertaining the kids. Instead, the cattle broke out and headed for the hills, so I spent ~3 hours wrangling them back into the right pasture. We have a new rent-a-bull, and he's the strangest thing. The dogs and I were pushing the herd forward, as we do, and the fucking bull was at the front of the herd, going back and forth, putting his head down and chasing the goddamned cows back toward us. He did that the entire fucking time, so it was always two steps forward, one step back, even with three good herding dogs working with me. Anyway, it was fine. The weather was nice, the cattle took me on a nice walk through some parts of our land I haven't visited in awhile, and I got some exercise. I wish I knew my mushrooms, because we have never had so many coming up as we do right now.
  7. Happy birthday John!
  8. Wow, I didn't notice that - one cup cinnamon to 12 cups flour is pretty intense. I've only had one of their buns, and it was very memorable. I'll try to find time to make the recipe at some point and report back on the results.
  9. Best cinnamon bun recipe I've experienced: http://www.cbc.ca/edmontonam/columnists/restaurantrecipes/2011/09/12/recipes-revealed---sugar-bowl-cinnamon-buns/
  10. Is that reclaimed barnboard on the front plate? Looks pretty.
  11. I can't recommend headphones for you without a few hundred more examples of the albums through which you listen to your gear.
  12. The features list seems pretty silly to me - mostly things that aren't made all that much more awesome by being done on a watch. The walkie-talkie thing is kinda neat, but I suspect you can only do it with other Apple users, which is much less neat. Maybe there'll be some good third-party apps, what do I know? Yeah, me too.
  13. An international earworm of a drinking song to celebrate the end of my workday. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRpLi4OT5J8
  14. FTFY. Gee, that sounds like a wonderful offer, Mister Buckingham. Where do I sign up?
  15. The Magician's Land came out recently and I just read it. This series is absolutely highly recommended for fantasy fans.
  16. You will be deprived of it if you don't follow the advice contained within your welcome PM.
  17. This is not the forum you're looking for.
  18. Condolences to Ric and to Carl's sister. Pets are pretty damn special. Miko sure was a looker, and as Todd said, Boyfriend is a great name!
  19. Wishing you all the good things today Jack!
  20. Happy birthday! Nice freakin' shirts.
  21. No. Wait. I mean yes. Wait. What are you selling again? Speak into the receiver.
  22. Happy birthday Ian!
  23. I need to catch up on Seanan-Mira McGuire-Grant. I swear she writes faster than I can read.
  24. Benedict Cumberbatch and John/Hank Green fan fiction written by Maureen Johnson. It's maybe a 10-15 minute read, and bloody hilarious.
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