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Everything posted by acidbasement

  1. Here's what Jude sayeth: "Over the past couple of years, I've been to all of the wildly successful Southern California Head-Fi Meets organized by third_eye (Ethan) and warrenpchi (Warren). Witnessing the growing scale and quality of their meets, the three of us met to explore the idea of turning next year's Spring SoCal Head-Fi Meet into a full-blown annual CanJam event. And so, on March 28-29, 2015--at the Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel--CanJam will return to California, as a standalone event, bigger and better than ever!"
  2. Google image search. Looks a wee bit sketchy.
  3. I just saw Tyll mention this on FB. Remarkably, it looks as if I'll be in the area with my family. My wife will be working and I'll be hanging out with the kids, who probably will make me suffer if I try to take them to a trade show. I'd love to get together for extracurricular activities though. Anyone else planning to be there?
  4. I have a slight preference for the second flamey one, but is there any difference in scratch resistance?
  5. Our year-old cat Joost was missing for the last week. It's pretty common for indoor/outdoor cats in the country to wander for longer periods than this so we weren't all that worried. We were surprised when our friends posted a "found cat" listing with a photo of Joost on Facebook yesterday. They live about five miles away from us. Needless to say he is happy to be home.
  6. Happy birthday Marc!
  7. It doesn't (until today) happen here. That's why the guy was able to walk into the Parliament buildings with a long gun. I doubt if that could easily happen in the US capitol building. The soldier who died wasn't even armed. Dammit.
  8. I'm watching the news out of Ottawa. This is fucking nuts. One gunman killed inside the Parliament building, and the police are scouring downtown for more. No innocent people killed so far. Let's hope it stays that way.
  9. Happy birthday Peter! I got you a kitty.
  10. Hell yeah!
  11. Oh no, that sucks, Shelly. I wish you a return trip free of hitchhikers.
  12. I'm thinking about treating myself to a synthesizer, if it's still for sale next time I'm in Winnipeg. I have too many drums, but if I don't get a synth I'll probably get another cymbal. Can't have too many of those.
  13. Thanks everyone! It was a busy day of home renos, with uber-garlicky burgers for supper and a scotch/television nightcap. Magnus' birthday is in two days, so I generally don't get cake on mine anymore.
  14. May it be a good one!
  15. Happy birthday, Peter!
  16. Applied for a job. If it works out, I'd love to get back into working in a sciencey field like I studied in school. It looks like a good fit for me at this stage of my career. Working full-time, though, I don't know. That's for suckers.
  17. Happy birthday, Vicki!
  18. Just saw Eluveitie, Tyr, and Metsatoll. All three were excellent, and my headbanging and fist-pumping muscles are going to be sore tomorrow.
  19. Well, I'm stuffed. Happy Canadian turkey weekend, everyone.

  20. Condolences to your family, Todd.
  21. I'm not a gear guy when it comes to camping (not even doing any backcountry camping now that I have little kids), but I like fire. I've found a good way to make firestarters at home is to fill a cardboard egg carton with wood shavings, then pour in paraffin wax. Wait for it to set and cut the whole thing up so you have 12 little easily-combustible paper cups full of paraffin and wood. It's a cheap and easy way to get a fire going when the wood is a bit damp.
  22. I registered my domain with godaddy and used weebly for design and hosting. It was dead easy to make a simple but professional-looking website, and I'm a total noob.
  23. When life gives you swine flu, make bacon. Hope you get better soon.
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