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Everything posted by veloaudio

  1. veloaudio


    So are these any good?
  2. The Shins - Wincing the Night Away
  3. Won't be long now Thanks. I've been too lazy to track this down on Head-fi. I assume there will be something on HC when the new HF thread posts. I don't go over to HF too much anymore.
  4. x2
  5. The Decemberists - The Crane Wife
  6. Got these today and OMG Quad's Birds Eye maple is hawt
  7. Good to hear someone is making some progress tonight CD or Macbook via Toslink Input -> XLR outputs
  8. I agree about the CD5001 but the Cary is at another level for me. Even though the Cary seems to be working fine (for now) I think it will be going in for a checkup anyway.
  9. Well troubleshooting has come to screaching halt. The Cary has given up the ghost No longer wants to play CD's, says an HDCD is in the tray when it isn't and toslink sounds like total ass (thin, echo sound; like a weak FM radio station). At least I have my Marantz CD5001 that I can hook up. Damn, what a night.... Drafting my RMA email to Cary now edit: WTF, I unplugged Cary and let it sit for a few minutes. Now it is working fine
  10. Looks like the Cary might be the source. Not through the XLRs but the proximity of the Beta to the Cary. I don't really have a whole lot of arrangement options in my current setup
  11. I did disconnect the Cary and hum was still there. I'll try that after work.
  12. It is a two box version. The amp sits on top of the Cary. The PS is 20" below the Cary on my desk. I'll post a picture later (I did post a crappy picture in the post a pic of you rig thread) And to clarify, it is a hum. No hiss.
  13. Mainly due to the horrible wiring in my 1940s house. EMI is a possiblity. Moving wires etc doesn't change it. Although I need to do more troubleshooting. I guess I could try shielding the transformer?
  14. On the topic of amplifier hum/hiss. I do get a low level hum/hiss from the B22 with my JH13. It is not volume dependant so I've chalked it up to dirty AC power (from the line or the UPS I have plugged into the same circuit).
  15. Right after I posted monoprice sent me an In Stock email. However, Nugget Audio had already secured my business
  16. I'd rather give you my money so send me your quote
  17. I'm tired of waiting for these to get back in stock. Anyone have experience with Hosa adapters: Amazon.com: Hosa GXF-132 RCA Female to XLR Female: J&R Music and Computer World
  18. No need for the "Mr," way too formal Wait, does this mean I get a cut of the $100? Good to know about Vanns. I was thinking about ordering from them.
  19. Check Amazon, its on there for $599 (Vanns.com) Amazon Notice the provided HC Amazon link
  20. veloaudio


    I'm looking to pick up an isolation transformer. Anyone hear of any Equitech deals? I've got a couple emails out to some dealers but no response yet.
  21. veloaudio


    If anyone is looking for some A5s let me know. I have a black pair that won't be needed very soon. And for Head-Caser's they can be had for much less than $280. Damn, that is a good deal.
  22. NAD C320BEE
  23. Open mouth no bite block. Was a fucking PITA. No issues with fit though and well worth the annoying 10 minutes.
  24. The one from Reno?
  25. So who in the US, other than ALO, sells Trends amps?
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