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Everything posted by veloaudio

  1. Should arrive Monday
  2. This is old news
  3. Damn. Those do look good.
  4. veloaudio


    I think he meant the TV
  5. Gilmore Lite + DPS
  6. Buy some music and you could win one: Win a Naim DAC with new Naim Label releases! - Topic Powered by Social Strata Edit: In stores in December 2009. Might be able to call a local dealer and see if they are offering a pre-order special.
  7. Looks like $3500 retail. I can't imagine any dealers would be lower. Although, I read about a rumored preorder special but I couldn't find out any details. U.S. Retail Price List
  8. Doubt I'd be able to attend. It looks like a good group of vendors though. I'd be interested in checking out the Ayon gear. The Orion integrated with headphone out looks interesting, along with the Skylla DAC.
  9. Death Cab for Cutie - Plans
  10. Fleet Foxes - Sun Giant
  11. I'm still stuck on the whole balanced portable concept. Why go balanced IEMS and amp when the source isn't? Am I missing something? I'll watch the morons get all spun up for entertainment but I'm not changing my Slim pre-order
  12. "We have been developing the portable balanced AMP for more than half years." I guess that means 6 months
  13. For all you Eames fans: 15% Off at DWR until midnight [url=http://www.dwr.com/product/classics/herman-miller/lounge-chairs-ottomans/eames-lounge-ottoman-vicenza.do?sortby=ourPicks]Eames
  14. The iPhone needs a resistor (I don't know the value) between two pins on the connector or it prompts you to put it in "Airplane mode" when you plug the LOD in. The LOD will still work without it but the prompt is anoying. I had a guy over at HF make me a LOD with the resistor inside the plastic dock connector and it works great. I'll need a shorter one (or shorten the one I have) for use with the Slim though.
  15. Congrats Justin. Looks like a great start to 2010 for Headamp.
  16. x2
  17. Recommended JH13 track: Radiohead - Amnesiac Track 1. The bass, my god the bass
  18. Radiohead - Amnesiac
  19. Slim Pre-order is Up HeadAmp Pico Slim Amp: Pre-Order Requests - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio
  20. I think both the R & L would look good on the Muddy Water blue
  21. Mark Knopfler - Sailing to Philadelphia
  22. Poor attempt at a joke
  23. So now that the Pico Slim pre-order thread is minutes away ... I'm having second thoughts about whether I really need a portable amp. I think my iPhone might be good enough
  24. Neil Young - Harvest
  25. I assume the incorect labeling was part of the joke
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