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High Rollers
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Everything posted by veloaudio

  1. Damn good read.
  2. Reimyo DAP-777 mkII
  3. You just described my daily work routine.
  4. Sick. Stayed at home
  5. More shots at the bottom of this page: [url=http://www.sixmoons.com/industryfeatures/zurich09/1.html]6moons industry features: HighEnd 2009 Z
  6. Damn. I love the case and display.
  7. ^Did not know that. I assume the "half" is chassis, engine and transmission? If so, the G3 might not be that bad. Although I haven't compared a Toyota interior to a Pontiac but I can't imagine they would be on the same level of fit and finish. This is one area I think the "American" cars get consistently beat by "imports."
  8. x2. Why not another used Corolla or a used Civic?
  9. x2. All I got from it was the iSlate will not be an updated iPod touch or just an eBook reader. Not exactly news.
  10. It was like a time warp back to college. It wasn't all bad though. I slept the entire time some of my in-laws were over for my B-day
  11. I felt like shit until 4pm today.
  12. veloaudio


    That is a good deal. I've been reading up on the D90 vs D300(s) to decide which one will be best for me. This is a decent article: Nikon D80 vs D90 vs D300 Digital Camera Showdown | Spot Cool Stuff: Tech and here's a good review of D300s Nikon D300S Review: 1. Introduction: Digital Photography Review Looks like the short version D90 = D300 - burst rate & magnesium body (not including the "s" upgrades to the 300)
  13. You gonna finish before midnight or wait until after January
  14. Hmm, I looked on Nikon's website and couldn't find a refurb store. Have a link?
  15. The drive was definitely my problem. The new one is a lot quieter. I was importing a Liam Finn disc two days ago and thought the drive had literally eaten the CD. It spun up really fast and then just stopped, like the spindle locked up. The sound it made was awful. I immediately ordered a replacement.
  16. CD were clean. In a couple case they were brand new. Macsales has online videos and provide instructions with replacement drives.
  17. Update: I just replaced my Superdrive (bought from Macsales.com). I'm now importing CDs that my Macbook hasn't been able to read for as long as I can remember.
  18. veloaudio

    John Adams

    I just finished it for the second time. 'The Pacific' is starting in March
  19. New Superdrive for my Macbook
  20. veloaudio

    John Adams

    Have you seen Band of Brothers?
  21. My 2 yr old daughter requested it Steep Canyon Rangers - Lovin' Pretty Women
  22. Midlake - The Trials of Van Occupanther Oh Perilous World Looking forward to both. Thanks again Marc
  23. You could get a Macbook or Mini and have the option of trying the optical out with your Reimyo too.
  24. Back from the dead.... Is this the updated version of the HIFIDIY kit you guys mention? HIFIDIY CDM12 Transport Kit [highCDM12 truntable] - $420.00 : hifidiy.net
  25. Mine too. Thanks!
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