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Everything posted by veloaudio

  1. Bela Fleck Bluegrass Sessions Vol. 2
  2. These look like they could work. AudiogoN ForSale: Red Dragon AMP-1 Anyone heard or heard of Red Dragon Audio before?
  3. crazedlist.org : search craigslist like a madman
  4. How about this: AudiogoN ForSale: McCormack Micro Power Drive Seller has two listed. If one isn't enough juice you could run them mono.
  5. I tell myself the same lie all the time. Exhibit A: JH13's
  6. I really need to audition a CD-101. Although for that kind of $$$ I wish it had a digital input.
  7. Just heard back from JH Audio and the warranty is for two years. Not that warranty has anything to do with how long they will last. That CNET review did seem like it was rushed and I was a little curious about the 10 year comment when I read it. BTW, I have my appointment for impressions on Friday
  8. Trampled by Turtles My first time seeing them. Amazing show.
  9. CD has been out for a few months. If I remember correctly, the vinyl came out this month.
  10. Nice. I need new shoes and I've been thinking about trading my Sidi's for a pair of these or trying the new S-works shoe out.
  11. Wavelength Brick DAC v1 (will upgrade to 24/96 soon) Stello HP100 Marantz CD5001
  12. The P1 sounds nice but too much $$$. Anyone seen a picture of the inside of the P200?
  13. I'm trying to figure out my next amp purchase. Anymore impressions of the P-200?
  14. The instrument series is rediculously expensive. I'm looking at the B&R Vintage collection:
  15. Not to be an enabler ... No I didn't just buy one. I'm eyeing one of its cousins ...
  16. Mine before Monkey Agree 100%
  17. Didn't just order this but got this email today
  18. Damn. First my logic board and now this. All signs are leading to an external CD/DVD drive purchase now. I'm buying Applecare next time
  19. No, CD will spin up and down, up and down and then just get spit out I have not. I'll try importing them on my wife's computer and then burning a copy. You thinking is could be an issue with the MacBook readin the TOC?
  20. Been thinking about going back to a computer based system (been looking at DACs ) but my only hesitation is that my MacBook won't read some of my CDs. Drive reads 99% of my CD collection, 100% of my DVDs and it's not random either, meaning it won't read the same CDs. Here are a couple it won't read: Radiohead - In Rainbows (from box set) Mark Knopfler - Sailing to Philadelphia Any thoughts? I guess I could get an external drive
  21. I was looking around the Naim forums last night and saw someone mention that there is a discount for pre-ordering the new DAC. Anyone else hear the same thing from a dealer etc? Link added: http://forums.naim-audio.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/48019385/m/4322951527
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