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Everything posted by terriblepaulz

  1. If Koss goes Chapter 7, then the above does not apply, correct? If they go Chapter 11, the Bankruptcy Court could simply void (or modify) all existing warranties. I don't know how common that is. But for that reason, and the priority issue mentioned above, holders of warranties would almost certainly get the shaft if a BK is filed.
  2. I love my Aeron. At the time I purchased, I was seriously considering a Leap, but the deal I got on my Aeron was too good. Their 12 year warranty is for real - when I needed a replacement seat, I received one, via FedEx, within 24 hours of making the call.
  3. #163 was waiting for me when I got back from vacation the last week of July. I have spent a lot of time with them since then, as I find myself craving listening sessions. postjack's comment ("[p]ure Grado midrange crunchy radness") is spot on. In addition to guitars, a lot of vocal performances (Al Green!) have really shined.
  4. Or you could hang a shingle, and answer your own phone - like Todd.
  5. This is an opportunity to say "nice rack" without getting slapped.
  6. This problem is removed with 1000 hours of burn in (but only if done with the finest pink noise).
  7. I was wondering the exact same thing when trying to figure how this happened. I have this mental picture of "Grado Head-Fi Headphones" being hastily scrawled on a napkin and handed over to some wizened craftsman in a dirty apron.
  8. And just when I thought I had all my memories of 2003 thoroughly repressed, you dredge them back up. The horror. As to your larger point, your right. Les's posts were pretty douche-baggy, but it's not his fault. As for custom titles, how 'bout "Les Bartman"?
  9. As long as Matt Millen isn't making those picks (although given Jerry Angelo's early round picks, I shouldn't crow).
  10. Whiny diabetic or not, he's the closest thing the Bears have had to a real QB since Sid Luckman, so the giddiness of Bears fans is understandable, even if it's unwarranted. If the Bears stink, it will be (IMO) because the D. Urlacher was pretty mediocre after neck surgery, Mike Brown is gone, and Peanut is playing out of position. In that sense, Tommie Harris is more important than Cutler.
  11. As long as Tyrus Thomas and Luol Deng remain on the Bulls, my hopes lie with Cutler.
  12. As a Cubs fan, there are two words keeping me going: Jay Cutler
  13. I agree with the posters who recommend the Rubbermaid clear plastic stuff - it's cheap, you can get it almost anywhere, and it's modular. Of course, the only way to avoid being overwhelmed with crap when space is a real issue is to occasionally throw shit away, as hard as that may be.
  14. a cheap LG DVD player to use as a transport with my y1 DAC.
  15. Pegboy rocks: Pegboy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  16. I thought I was turning the conversation in the right direction when I mentioned buggery - instead we get tea, the other thing the English know how to do.
  17. I don't really feel I need to stop drinking coffee. I probably drink too much fer sure, but . . . it tastes good. All the above is sound advice of course, but if I have a "goal" it is to determine if I can substitute green tea for my coffee (or some of my coffee) and get all that anti-oxidant wonder crap that green tea has. I think I may try and sub green tea for my afternoon jolt.
  18. ? for green tea drinkers - do any of you drink it for the caffeine (instead of coffee)? I keep hearing about the benefits of such a switch, but I don't know how much tea I would have to drink to make up for the 3-4 cups of joe I have every day.
  19. Of course the manly character of the UK plug was formed after years of public school buggery.
  20. shameless thread bump - any further impressions of the gamma-1? I am expecting a package from Mister-X within the next week or so, and drooling with anticipation.
  21. Are you sure you didn't get that from Annie Hall
  22. Saw 11 (or was it 12?) shows in the late '80s. Stopped going to shows after getting repeatedly ripped off (including having my buddy's car ransacked in '89 outside Alpine Valley). I stopped listening to the Dead because I started to really hate Deadheads ("can we please listen to something that is not a bootleg"). Came back to The Dead about a year and a half ago. I really enjoy the early studio albums (through American Beauty) as well as Europe '72. I have just started to explore the Dick's Pick's and From the Vault stuff, but I'm not sure how much I want to dive back in. I realized that my hatred of self-indulgent baby-boomers and dirty smelly hippies should not distract me from some great music.
  23. No schematic, but he said it was based on an Eric Barbour design from a back issue of Vacuum Tube Valley Magazine. The hum is equal in both channels. I should emphasize how low this is. Right now I am having difficulty hearing the hum over the ventilation system and the fluorescents.
  24. I am the recent owner of a DIY tube integrated built by a friend. It uses 2 6SN7s for input, and a single 6BX7 (or 6BL7) for output. Pics: Picasa Web Albums - hagbard - Tube Amp Here's my issue - there is a very slight hum audible with my Grados (I don't notice it with my higher impedance Beyers). I should note that this is the second iteration of this amp from the same builder. The first one had a significant hum (along with occasional buzzing), which the builder explained was caused by the cheap parts he used in too small a chassis (he told me he threw it together in an afternoon with parts he had laying around). This version is much quieter with only the barest hum mentioned above. Of course I don't notice the hum when music is playing, but I suffer from the audiophile problem of knowing it's there. I'm not out any money on this amp, so this situation won't kill me, but if there are any simple tweaks or tips I can employ to eliminate the hum, I would be interested. Any suggestions?
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