thanks for inviting me here. i like the outlook of this place, hopefully it will stay this way, with free speech.
i remember when i was at headfi, i was trying to recommend some music in the darkest desire thread. with DarkAngel being the celeb for it. and they posted a list of 50 best melodic death metal, which cradle of filth isnt even death metal but was high on top. and i disagreed about that list and said it was a sad list one of the lower band should be on top, with no other disrespecting implications. and all the DarkAngel's followers jumped on me saying how i am disrespecting their taste or something shit like that. after that i have to be pretend to be nice and aplogized. i have a lot of things i want to speak out at headfi, but i dont want to since i see all my other members getting banned and shit for no reason so i just pretend to be nice and help the noobs.