Considering the L700. for those of you with your finger on the pulse, have there been any issues with it? Spritzer mentioned not bothering to order one in the beginning because they always have revisions.
I live in the US, Chicago area (hi Kevin). Is Yama the place to go for this?
I'll likely use my srm1mk2 unless I find a screaming deal on a better amp. Cross that terrifying bridge later.
Spritzer. Looking forward to your comments on the sc1 and the 404le. I know the rumor is that they may be either the same or very similar. Haven't read about anyone comparing them directly. A mystery may be solved.
seems like in the world of Lambdas, the only recommended ones are the LNS (discontinued), the SR Lambda nb (discontinued), the 404LE (discontinued), or one of the entry level pro cans (20#). Don't see a lot of love for the higher end lambdas. I also thought the signature was a bit better thought of, but comments on the etch seem to point elsewhere.