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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Patu

  1. RS1 is very good IMO. It's the most sophisticated and with the best soundstage Grado I've heard. Shines with rock music. It goes well with other than rock also, unlike some other Grado models. I still think that PS1 is the best Grado I've heard. Right after PS1, there are RS1 and RS2 which I consider equally good. GS1000 can't be even mentioned in the same sentence with these three.
  2. I have a big head and no problems with the vice grip. Your head is just too soft or something.
  3. This "review" makes me puke.
  4. Patu


    Ugly as hell for sure. But they might sound good. What are those things sticking out from the headpone part?
  5. I might be getting DA100 + HP100 combo very soon also. I've now sold my whole headphone setup so I definitely must find something new.
  6. Standard as meaning huge? I'd say that my head is slightly bigger than average and W5000 fits perfectly for me.
  7. When I first got my pair I still had my friends fully burned-in pair to compare them with. My pair sounded somewhat tight and brighter (even harsh and fatiguing every now and then) with less bass compared to fully burned in pair. They will only get better after some burn-in.
  8. The bass gets better after some burn in but it's still somewhat light. Highs will come smoother also.
  9. Didn't you read my comments?
  10. You're so evil hungrych.
  11. Patu

    yo momma jokes

    One of my all time favorites... Yo momma's so fat, her high school picture was an aerial photograph.
  12. Here's my impressions. So I got my D02 yesterday after a long wait. I haven't had much time to listen to it yet but so many people are asking me about my impressions of it so here are my very short first impressions. Build quality & look: D02 has a first class build quality. The case is finished with absolute care and it's shiny as hell. Structure is very sturdy and it weighs over 10kg. And about the outlook, it's one of the most beautiful looking audio equipments I've seen. Sound: D02 has very neutral and airy sound. Bass got much deeper and punchier with very good speed and accuracy at the same time. Highs are smooth and enjoyable with no sibilance or harshness at all. When I waited for this DAC I was wondering would it perform well with fast and complex rock/metal tracks. Well I have no worries anymore. It plays through fast metal or rock tracks without struggling with the complex guitar riffs at all. I don't listen to the fastest metal at all but with bands like Ayreon and Tool the music stays accurate, clear and very enjoyable. Soundstage could be wider but it should open up during burn in (that's what I've heard ). I have had like 3-4 hours with D02 at this point.
  13. Dark? I must strongly disagree with you. I'd say it's on the brighter side.
  14. Outperformed my 650, RS-2 and SA5000. I just sold them all to order W5000.
  15. Patu

    new tool album

    It's very good. The Pot and Vicarious are my favourite tracks.
  16. According to info I've got, they've been in a process of being shippied for the last three weeks. Well I hope they are shipped for real this time.
  17. There's a price now on RudiStor website. 10,500EUR which is little over 13,000USD.
  18. Bingo! Macarena must be the most hated pop song of all time. Seeing people doing that stupid dance in night clubs makes me vomit.
  19. No it's not. RudiStor is teh best forevah!
  20. I don't even have my amp here now so it's hard to give any impressions. I can say that this thing has caused me a lot of troubles already. Waiting for D02...
  21. My Zhaolu 1.3 arrived today. \o/
  22. They're so cheap that you can just try out all of them and keep the best one. I have Zhaolu 1.3 coming and I'll try Storm Digital D02/Baby D02 also.
  23. Well now you're exaggerating.
  24. Pretty hard choice but I go for "BEST EVAR" without an exclamation mark.
  25. Thanks. Now it works.
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