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Everything posted by dBel84

  1. dBel84

    Audeze LCD-2

    I had been wondering what the fuss was all about. I very much doubt I would pick this up listening to a planar headphone ( dipole ) unless I was extremely familiar with the music , might be an interesting experiment to try on 2 identical headphones. On some of the older orthos there is no clear demarcation of + or - and it is commonly said that the absolute phase was not particularly relevant as long as the drivers matched one another. Thanks for the clarification Kevin. ..dB
  2. would love to hear more about them once you have a good handle on their abilities. we are here to serve ..dB
  3. until you have thunder in your pants , then the electricity just fizzles out ..dB
  4. This is what makes headphone recommendations in general so flawed, we all have variations in headsize, hear differently besides having different points of reference and fortunately don't all like the same thing. I personally don't care how well something measures it is all about how it sounds to me and I would love to hear Doug's orthodome at some point. I just had a good laugh at Tyll's comments, he must be a hell of a lot of fun to hang out with. ..dB
  5. Sorry Duggeh, this had me in stitches. Tyll : and methinks the Baker likes his bass lightly roasted ;-) ..dB
  6. Here is a close up of the HE5 driver I expect the HE5LE to be similar and the HE6 ?? Now the LCD2 driver - holy canoli talk about fine traces and trace density - even the SS100 would blush. ..dB
  7. you and me both ..dB
  8. I am now even more disheartened that I didn't get up to meet you all. Such a community spirit. Kudos Mr Wood ( and here's the naivette in me thinking the nickname had to do with your carpentry skills ) and Shellylh , it is never easy revealing your innermost secrets to friends. I have my shared many wonderful memories with my gay/bisexual/confused friends and feel all the more enriched for their friendship..dB
  9. dBel84

    Canjam 2010.

    that is just fantastic , congrats to all 3 of you ..dB
  10. dBel84

    Canjam 2010.

    about to say the same thing , bass looks flat but it looks like it drops off quickly and the square wave brings new meaning to geometry , any one have a higher res pdf? ..dB edit just for comparison and numbers, here is the px200 from Tyll
  11. dBel84

    Audeze LCD-2

    initial plots were not in cups , so i don't think so ..dB
  12. dBel84

    Audeze LCD-2

    ROFL , but this is excellent news - any impressions Nate? ..dB
  13. dBel84

    Canjam 2010.

    so very bummed that i am sitting here , there must be a bright side to packing boxes ) ....always look on the ........... have loads of fun and I expect to hear about steve's TP's and would love to hear impressions of Alex's amps (not to mention the LCD2 ) ..dB
  14. dBel84

    Audeze LCD-2

    when do you anticipate getting yours? ..dB
  15. dBel84

    Audeze LCD-2

    I know that I am partly to blame for some of this hype and I truly hope it does not harm Audez'e. I don't see them being harmed by reflooding the market with used LCD2's but rather the ability to keep up with the demand of manufacturing. The LCD2 is a "sideline" to their other pro market products ( these lads are well respected in the recording industry - at least so I have been told ) , and not to mention that this entire venture was undertaken while maintaining their day jobs. I have huge respect for them as it was a massive risk to sink all this R&D into a product that they had no idea would be accepted by the fickle HF community. I have no doubt that this demand has far exceeded their initial expectations - HFers are not a patient lot in general, that need for instant gratification ... like an arse itch while visiting the in-laws. So do I still feel that it is all I initially thought it to be? yes. I did hear it off some not so great amplification and it still manages to show you what it can do, just not with as much finesse. ..dB
  16. dBel84

    Audeze LCD-2

    so we find out what a tice is afterall ..dB
  17. With the rapid rate of turnover, what exactly qualifies as retro/vintage? I am thinking I am all retro , no wait my transport has to qualify ( hmmm it has already been discontinued ) sure things are my tuner - 1950's Eico tube , probably all my headphones , transdac , cyrus ..... aaah frikk, beginning to feel old, I even remember the McCormack being released back in the 90's ..dB
  18. dBel84

    Audeze LCD-2

    Mass loading , leaving folk to go looking for their neck muscles here sweetie ..dB
  19. dBel84

    Audeze LCD-2

    they are blind holes for the lathe ..dB
  20. dBel84

    Audeze LCD-2

    funny thing - well reflection of my ignorance in all things wood perhaps, is that I thought it was some sort of funky bass port - yeah i get that they are open but I thought that there might be a layer of damping with a ported space ...... I was discussing this theory the other night when Ken brought me down to planet earth and informed me.....machine holes, how disappointing is that ..dB
  21. dBel84

    Audeze LCD-2

    it is indeed a filling portal to replace the magic lube that leaks out after the 10^6 comparison post. ..dB
  22. dBel84

    Audeze LCD-2

    Something tells me Alan likes his LCD2 lol ..dB
  23. Have a great day ..dB
  24. we do expect ..dB
  25. Thanks, then we are officially done! The final list of contributors. 1. NoNoNoNoNoNo 2. AlexRosson 3. Kabeer 4. luvdunhill 5. cetoole 6. Headphone Addict 7. tamahome77 8.ujamerstand 9. mrarroyo 10. scompton 11. landis 12. afrikane 13. swt61 14. perrew 15. duggeh 16. asr 17. skylab 18. AndrewH 19. Nebby 20.Kingstyles 21. torpedo 22. nikongod 23. guzziguy 24. boomana 25. pars 26. Shellylh 27. the monkey 28. voltron 29. dBel84 and a nod to you anonymous few. thanks again to all for a valiant effort
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